Courtyard (placeholder)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by D0NTSH0OTME, Dec 2, 2010.


    D0NTSH0OTME Forerunner

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    Update #2

    After going through at least 10 different variations created a second side base that I felt flowed well with the map. Other than finishing that, I only changed up the map layout in a few spots. Threw in some weapons and rough spawn placements and ran a few testing matches on it, which went pretty well. I will probably finish up the spawn, objective and weapon placements tomorrow, and after that all that remains to be done will be more testing. If anyone wants to get in a testing match, just leave your GT. I hopefully will get have this map ready to release by the end of the week.

    Anyways, here are some more pictures

    Middle Overview:


    Back base room:


    Front base room:


    Front of base view:


    Shotgun side base:


    Focus Rifle side base:


    Top focus rifle spawn:


    Bottom focus rifle spawn:


    Rocket spawn:



    Update #1

    Made alot of major changes since I first posted this map. Team bases have gotten substantial facelifts. I added a back spawning room to each base to provide a "safe" spawning area, and also changed the layout of the front of the bases to give them a more open feel. I scrapped my original plans for side bases and made something that was a little more sheltered and seperated from the map, which I am pretty pleased with. Alas I won't be able to copy this base to the other side, due to forge worlds natural slopes jutting into the map. This means that I won't be able to make this a radialy symetric map, but that isn't neccesarily a bad thing. Also added a central rock structure to block sight lines from base to base (Props to A SILENT EMU) and to house whatever power weapon I eventually place there (most likely rockets). I unfortunately had to delete a few of my staircases because I had run out of decorative pieces and was unable to create structures as aesthetically pleasing as I wanted with my remaining pallet. Also tossed in a few pieces of cover and walled the map in using collesium windows. Overall I am pretty pleased with what I have changed (with the exception being having to delete my staircases). Still have a lot of ideas bouncing around in my head, just don't know how to implement them. For some reason I really want to use tunnels in this map. Anyways thats all for tonight, hopefully I can finish the contruction part of this map by tomorrow.

    But before I sign off, new pictures:

    Overview (Yes I know there is a gap, I have not created the side base there yet):


    New front of bases:


    Base spawn room (third entrance not shown to the right):


    New side base:



    I have made a lot of maps, but this one will trump them all. Earlier today I got the idea to make a symetrical map centered around an open courtyard, and I have just pounded out this map in the matter of a few hours. It currently is about 85% finished constuction wise, and I am yet to place any spawns or weapons. However, there are a few areas I am not so sure about aesthetic wise, and I point those out in my pictures below. Opinions and advice are much apprecaited. When finished this will most likely be a very good CTF map, but I plan on having it support all game modes.

    Just for further notice, the staircases are fully functional, with no bumping or sticking. I merged a 3x3 block, short (which has an invisble ledge similar to the collesium window) underneath each set of stairs.

    This will be a radialy symetric map when finished.


    Possible loadout camera:


    View of center courtyard (A planter on the left side is currently missing. I am not sure if I want to keep the colliseum windows as the barriers to the map. Suggestions are appreciated):


    View of base entrances (Yes those staircases are fully functional):


    Front view of base from middle planter (The light may need to be removed due to frame rate issues. Also, I am not sure if I want to keep the current roof for the middle of the base, I may replace it with a more intricate layout. Again, suggestions are appreciated):


    View of current side base (I'm pretty sure I will change this before I realease the map, any suggestions would be appreciated):


    Jump ups to front base entrance:


    Inside base:


    I came up with two versions for the side entrances to each base, and am unsure which one to use, if either. If you could provide me with your opinion as to which layout I should use, if either, I would appreciate it.

    Layout A:


    Layout B:


    Thats is all I have finished so far, I will make sure to update this post as the map progresses. Also, if any testers guild members are reading this, I would love to get it tested before I release it if you can guarentee that it can get tested in a reasonable amount of time. I'm not complaining or angry, I know you guys have a lot on your plates and you get very little in return for the work you do, it's just that I will want to release this map as quickly as possible after I finish it, so I don't want to wait around for an undefined period for it to get tested, which is happening with another of my maps. While I would really appreciate recieving some of the in-depth feedback you guys provide, I don't know if I would be able to justify postponing the map for an extended period of time for it.
    #1 D0NTSH0OTME, Dec 2, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2010
  2. taskinoz

    taskinoz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks like an exelent map and i would like to test it, although im not with the testers guild
  3. Dizzyman572

    Dizzyman572 Forerunner

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    The maps looks absolutely beautiful, it has this whole peaceful feeling to it. The fact that you used rails as stairs is very clever and original. (So I think.) The only concern I have is lag. The amount of polygons used on the stairs could case some problems whenever to many players start fighting over in that spot. But that's my worst case scenario nerves acting up. I can't wait to see more of this map, as it comes closer to completion.

    D0NTSH0OTME Forerunner

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    The way I have them positioned creates no z-fighting, so there is no frame rate lag produced there. As of right now there is no frame rate lag, even with lights, but I doubt it will stay like that as I come closer to completion.

    Thanks for the feedback though, one of the coolest aesthetic features is one you can't see through pictures. As you walk up the stairs, the railings take turns lighting up as you get closer too them, and the effect it makes is absolutely stunning.

    Edit: Also, did you look at the last 2 pictures? If you did could you tell me which layout you prefer if either?
    #4 D0NTSH0OTME, Dec 2, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2010
  5. taskinoz

    taskinoz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ill say layout B, it is more obvious and will spread out the fight to other parts of the map
  6. Dizzyman572

    Dizzyman572 Forerunner

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    I would say Layout B, because it looks like It's harder for players to camp in. Plus it looks pretty.

    That sounds awesome, I can't wait to see it!
  7. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    Layout A looks pinched and tight, where B looks more open and aesthetically accurate. So long as B does not change or hinder gameplay (and I don't think it will) I would choose B. But if there is a good and valid reason for A that you know of, than stick with that, it is your map after all.
  8. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Excellent work with the stairs! I noticed, just last week, that the 3x3s also have an invisible barrier. I bet they are much easier to work with that the coliseum windows lol. If you run into any framerate lag, I would use a different object for the stairs though. Railings have lights, and lights cause problems. Ell3ment had a staircase that lit up on his map which caused a lot of framerate issues (which were fixed by using different steps). Anyway, love the look of the map and all the stairs!

    D0NTSH0OTME Forerunner

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    Updated post.

    Edited by merge:

    If anyone wants to help me test this map, please add me GT is D0NT SH0OT ME
    #9 D0NTSH0OTME, Dec 5, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2010
  10. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    So Far So Good

    Now I know why you had the power weapons all the time. A good map, real staris and felt outdoorsy. The gameplay was really fun; lots of different textures and cover where you need it. Easy to get to the action. Those back areas made for a nice hideout while waiting for our flag return to score; you KNOW you can just smack the guy comin in the entry - thats a good feeling. Nice biuld.
  11. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks small but absolutely stunning. Great aesthetics and Ill be looking forward to seeing this released.

    Also definitely style B for the side entrances. Less camp-able and looks nicer.
  12. Dandino

    Dandino Forerunner

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    This map looks very well made, I'd love to help test it
    GT: Dandino14

    D0NTSH0OTME Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback, but I kind of nerfed the old side bases a while ago. I didn't really like the way either of them flowed witht he rest of the map.

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