
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by dido25878, Dec 6, 2010.

  1. dido25878

    dido25878 Forerunner

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    Thanatopsis is a small map located in the back of the Forest Base area of Tempest. When I made this map, I made with with Slayer being the main game type in mind but I decided to add some hills into it just so theres a little more use out of it. Overall I feel like this map will play out well and I havent had much time to test it. Please download and leave me feedback. Now on to the decription.

    The starting area of Thanatopsis is located in the pond directly behind the Forest Base. The area is pretty open except for a few rocks placed as cover from a ridge the houses the sniper and provides a great view of this area of the map. Located here are: 1 sniper rifle, and 1 DMR.

    The next areas are the 2 tunnels that connect both parts of the map. One tunnel houses a shotgun and an active camo powerup while the other has a needler and 2 plasma grenades.

    The final area of the map is located on the other side of the tunnels and is closed in as a cave. The only thing inside of this area is a ghost. This area has little to no cover in it. This area could easily be used for objectives but I'm too lazy to do all that stuff so if someone wants to edit this map so it's more objective friendly, be my guest.

    Weapon List:
    1 Sniper Rifle
    1 DMR
    1 Shotgun
    1 Needler
    2 Plasma Grenades
    1 Ghost

    Sorry about the pictures, I know they're not the best.
    Starting area: [​IMG]

    Ghost area: [​IMG]

    Overhead of starting area: [​IMG]

    Another side shot of the starting area: [​IMG]

    Another shot of the ghost area: [​IMG]
    #1 dido25878, Dec 6, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2010
  2. Montressor

    Montressor Forerunner

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    I know that you mentioned it in your posts, but your pics aren't up to forge hub standards all I see is terrain and a wall give us a top down of your map and maybe another pic across the map
  3. dido25878

    dido25878 Forerunner

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    I'll get on that later on this morning.

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