Power Play

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by BrokenEye, Dec 6, 2010.

  1. BrokenEye

    BrokenEye Forerunner
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    Luckily for everyone, this abandoned Forerunner nuclear plant is so up to code, that one can safely engage in a deadly gunfight on the premises without fear of causing a critical core meltdown.

    Basically this FFA map is a nuclear power plant. Like in my map Cathedral, I relied heavily on actual photographs and schematics from real nuclear plants. Unfortunately, its quite difficult to find good photographs and schematics for nuclear plants on the internets (for obvious security reasons), so I took a good amount of artistic license with what it looked like and how it was laid out, and basically decided that while it didn't look a lot like a human nuclear plant, that this was what a Forerunner nuclear plant looked like. All the necessary bits are there, though, and as far as I know they're connected the right way. If you're a nuclear scientist, feel free to correct me.

    A birds-eye-view of the plant

    The reactor tower. This is where the nuclear stuff goes on.

    Passage going up the inside of the tower. It's a bit cramped walking between the reactor and the lead-shielded tower wall, but that's fine, since people were never intended to be that close to nuclear reactors for extended periods of time

    The refueling machine, attached to the side of the reactor

    The main pump, which pumps the nuclear stuff through a pipe inside the water tank. That's how nuclear plant's work, apparently.

    The water tank, or "Steam Generator" gets nuclear stuff run through it, which causes the water to turn to steam (I learned a little bit about nuclear power when I was making this map. Yay knowledge.)

    The turbine generator. This is what makes the electricity. The steam goes into it, and spins the turbine, and then turns back into water, and goes back into the tank.

    This is the generator part of the turbine generator. Also visible at the bottom part is the cooling mechanism. Instead of one of those f***ing huge cement cooling towers that people always associate with nuclear plants (which are natural draft cooling towers) I went with what's known as a forced draft cooling mechanism. In the real world, its less efficient, but it Forge World, it uses less budget.

    And of course one of the most iconic nuclear power plant thingies: The cooling pond. This is where they stick the spent fuel rods so they don't go all Chernobylly. Shut up. Its a word because I say it is.
    #1 BrokenEye, Dec 6, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2010
  2. Montressor

    Montressor Forerunner

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    i like what you have done here, the idea of making a practical nuclear power plant is really neat, I like that you did you HW on how they function, I haven't loaded it up yet but id like to play on it, not sure if the form works with the function just yet, but it looks good, what gametypes would you say this is for?
  3. BrokenEye

    BrokenEye Forerunner
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    "Supported Gametypes: Crazy King, Headhunter, Infection, Juggernaut, King of the Hill, Oddball, Safe Havens, Slayer" Seriously dude, its right there in the post heading. I only started using Forgehub last week and even I know that.

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