Below is a preview of a map I have been working on for a while. I have almost completed the build and will soon be on the testing phase. What do you guys think? If anyone would like to help test please send me a friend request over XBL.
Whoa, dude. Before you release this, I really want to see it. I see so much potential, and at the same time, things that might be flaws. I don't really know, but I'd like to be a part of the testing.
Cool man, send me a Friend request and ill show it to you. I wont be online again tonight as ive got work in the morning. Its almost 11pm over here . Ill be online again tomorrow though dude. thanks
I loved your Dam in Halo 3 and this one looks even better, but don't let that creepy RK guy help you, he can't forge, look at his halo 3 maps .. ew ♥
Reminds me of one of your maps in Halo 3.. probably the one LD is talking about I can tell you have developed that design and there is some distinct differences, but i know you would have only done it for the better. Can't wait to try this one out . Will be interesting with Armour Abilities..
wow I cant believe you guys remember my halo 3 map (Exile), I never realised it left an impression on people. Exodus is based off the design, Exile looked nice but didnt play well due to the object and budget limitations so im trying to put it right in Reach. Thanks for the feedback guys lol
Yea, I remember seeing Titan, and thinking **** me, this maps amazing. So I downloaded all your maps . As you said, Exile was not so good gameplay wise compared to your others, but I still enjoyed it.
Haha the first screenshot instantly reminded me on your dam map from Halo 3. This one looks just as awesome! Inv this guy for testing!
I think your rocks can use a little more work. Try using different rocks/different angles, because the jagged edge isn't a good thing. Your Seastack rocks also look a bit unnatural. The map, from what I can see, is aesthetically pleasing, but just not with some rocks and some of the tin cups. But I'd love to test it, I was planning a rotational map myself.
Oh DAM! XP, had to get that out, anyways it looks like the rocks could use a little touching up, but all of the buildings look fine geometry wise. Not sure, but it looks like it forms a full circle, am I right? if it does, is there any way from one side to the other like a mancannon?
The map is coming on well now, ive finished the build and have added all weapons, spawns and objective points. I had two testing sessions earlier today (sorry for anyone who wanted to join, I invited everyone that was online). Generally the map was fine, the spawns were spot on (which makes a nice change ) and the weapons were balanced and effective. There was something missing however and I couldnt put my finger on it. The map just wasn't clicking in the way that I wanted it to. Tomorrow im going to study the videos and see if I can pin point what it is and then hopefully set about putting it right.
The first thing that hit me was the beauty of this map. It looks incredible! I hope it plays as well as it looks. Looking forward to the release.
This map looks great; I look forward to seeing it finished. Just a little tip about natural aesthetics. When you use the rocks, try not to use too many repetitive patterns because it tends to detract from the naturalness of the look. The top of image 2 looks great, better than most people manage, but the top right of image one could use some work.