Im Delighted to introduce you to my second forgehub map - QUIDDITCH 2! After taking on feedback from the first one, ive decided to move on from this: YouTube - Halo Reach - QUIDDITCH! to THIS: YouTube - Halo Reach: QUIDDTICH Two!! Two teams for 4-8 compete to blow stuff up, fly through hoops, and do incredibly random but fun things. (red and blue) And, for those who to play dumbledore, go to green team! This is feedback that ive gooten from playtesters: "Halos next biggest thing" "Why isnt this is mathcmaking?" "Im downloading this NOW!" See what their talking about by downloading the map and gametype! Also, for those camp counscious, after 20 seconds a teleporter spawns taking you OUT of the tunnel into the map RULES- 15 minute games Loadouts are grav ham/golf club/grenade launcher and thats about it teamwork counts! You wont score unless you scrap for every single kill. And trust me its rewarding. Watch the video (subscribe!!!) and you will understand! Screenshots: THE SPAWN THE TUNNEL WUH BAM! SCORING POINTS SCOREBOARD (kill barrier next to it so dont take the weapons!!!) DUMBLEDORES HUT (view of) DONT KILL THIS GUY! FALLING! OVERHEAD DA BOMB KEEP REACHING! EXITING THE SPAWN SPARKY! Feedback on this map would be FANTASTIC Once again, feel free to watch the video and subscribe And I am also equally delighted to announce the formation of the duelwieldinggamers quidditch league! Teams of SEVEN To submit, post your gamertags and your captains GT The best games will go up, with commentary on the channel! Thanks!
Hey! Cool! I'm that guy from "Sparky" and "WUH-BLAM"! I really love your map. I actually just joined in because my firend djcorlis was there and sent me an invite. Awesome map.
It's like Neutral Assault. Bomb spawns in the middle and you have to take it to one of the 3 plant locations all located on the enemy's side of the map (it's like the game in the Harry Potter movies). Everyone has unlimited Jetpacks.
thats pretty much it. Fly through the hoops to score. Teamwork counts. 15 minute time limit and thanks for the explanation Natetendo