Spawn Switching?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rukifellth, Dec 5, 2010.

  1. Rukifellth

    Rukifellth Forerunner

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    Ok, i know this may not be able to be done, but if it can please tell me. Ok, its a land grab map with Point A being where defense spawns, and point B where offense spawns. So lets say red spawns at point A and blue at point B. After the round, how can i make it so they switch spawning areas. (red and point B and blue at point A) You can say i wanna make a spawning area that is based off of whoever is on offense or defense. Can this be done? Similar to invastion but a territory map instead.
  2. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    You would only be able to do this in invasion I believe. Unless territories similarly has an equivalent to Inv_res_p1, 2, 3, which is what you'd use to accomplish this.

    In invasion, you'd place two hill markers where you want the blue team to respawn 1 phase, and the red team to respawn in the second phase. Label one of them team blue and the other team red. Then, for the blue one, change the spawn sequence to five, and the type label to Inv_res_p1. for the red one, change the spawn sequence to five, and inv_res_p2.

    In the first phase of invasion, the blue team will spawn there, and in the second phase the red team will. Repeat these steps, but reverse them, to make the phase 1 red spawn point =]
  3. wi1lywonka

    wi1lywonka Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I believe it does this automatically.
  4. Hokets

    Hokets Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yes, this.

    When setting up the map, set Blue Team as attacking and Red Team as defending. In a game they will automatically switch sides on each round.
  5. cornlord

    cornlord Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    agreed. any asymmetrical game mode does this. Red always starts on defense, then the second round has blue as defense at red's base.
  6. Rukifellth

    Rukifellth Forerunner

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    ok, but this is supossed to be a terriroty map, not invasion. And they switch attack and defense, but the offense spawns where the defenders do and so on... Besides, don't you need a core in invastion? Ok, ima gonna break down my map.

    Its a aerial terrirory map.

    The defending team(red) has a main base that teleports to 3 floating bases. In each base there is a terrirory.

    The offensive team(blue) spawns in a hanger with aircraft and their goal is to fly to these 3 bases and capture them.

    Problem: When the round is over they switch sides(offense and defense), but not spawning areas. Red, now on offense, still spawns in the defense base. Blue, now defending, spawns in the offenseive hanger. They are not spawning where they need to be spawning.

    How do i make this work?
    #6 Rukifellth, Dec 5, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2010
  7. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    Did you read any of the comments that the others said?

  8. Rukifellth

    Rukifellth Forerunner

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    yes, and it works in an invastion varaint. but i can't get it to work in a land grab territory match. The teams switch offense and def, but not bases. Maybe its the spawn point's label. what are they supposed to be set to if its terriroty land grab. they told me invasion labels but no terr.
    #8 Rukifellth, Dec 5, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2010
  9. AMac

    AMac Ancient
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    Isn't switching sides the same as switching bases? At least if the bases are on different sides.
  10. Rukifellth

    Rukifellth Forerunner

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    not in this game, i need it so offense always spawns at point A and defense always spawns at point B, but its still territories. You could say im trying to make spawn points off and deff specific rather than team specific. Its not a symetrical map. Defense has 4 bases (one main linked to the other 3 via teleport) and offense just has a hanger base with aircraft. See where im coming from.
    #10 Rukifellth, Dec 5, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2010
  11. AMac

    AMac Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Do you have any pictures to help us out? I think I speak for the majority here when I say I don't comprehend what you're trying to accomplish here.
  12. Rukifellth

    Rukifellth Forerunner

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    dunno about pics, but i can post a vid and give a link. That good?

    Dunno if the rules said something about posting links, but here is the map and my question. Hope it clears your questions so u can answer mine.... YouTube - Sky capture

    if i get banned for this......
    #12 Rukifellth, Dec 5, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2010
  13. AMac

    AMac Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah... as long as it's an asymmetrical gametype I'm pretty sure that they switch spawns. Have you tested a game on it yet to see what happens?
  14. cornlord

    cornlord Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    yep, put the spawns in. red starts on defense. they will switch bases when the next round starts. it will work
  15. Rukifellth

    Rukifellth Forerunner

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    So i put red initial spawns and respawns in the defense base and blue in the offense base. Are you telling me that when the next round starts, red will spawn on blue spawn points and vise versa. Or do i make them neutral? And what label?
  16. Hokets

    Hokets Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, that should do it. I just tried it out to verify. Have you started up a game on your map yet to see if it works?
  17. Rukifellth

    Rukifellth Forerunner

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    ty all, it works great. Just to add tweaks weapons and other things and this map is done. Dunno how to close a thread thought, but its closed and vid has been deleted

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