No. I want you to leave the backround from the level you took the picture on. I dont want any effect in the backround.
if you give me a day or so i can make one for you here is my previous work: Earliest work: Recent Work: just tell me what you want and i shall attempt it.
Alright well I would enjoy that Ivory. It just needs to be an action pic from halo. Or a picture of Halo.
It looks good. Now that you are done we now have to wait for other people. Ivory Snake is also making me one. And if someone else enters than well I will have to decide.
i know you asked for rogue and all that crap, but IMO all screenshots are useless for sig's, so i made this, use it if you want. link: Sig
go to Deviant and search for backgrounds, and c4d's, once you have a c4d, open your dialog drop down bar (in gimp, no sure about PS) then select layers, open the c4d as a layer and change it so where it says normal (in the layers window) so it is set to screen, you can set multiple copies of the same c4d to screen to make it stronger.
So far I think im leaving towards you Ivory. And also I really dont care about the armor. He just asked.
my first impression of this thread: I'm going to say i don't very much like Ivory's signature, it's too "i like halo! here's my name", it would be better if it was more you.
well if hinds me an image that he wants used, i shall make him one with it, but since an image wasn't provided, i did something relatively simple, that filled the criteria.