Axis Gun

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Larry Tanng, Dec 4, 2010.

  1. Larry Tanng

    Larry Tanng Forerunner
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    From the builders of Axis City, this great gun station mysteriously lacks an off switch. Compatible w/ most game types.

    When I first explored Tempest, the first thing that caught my eye was the laser beam running through the top of the map. I immediately decided to put it to use and build my map around it. The result: Axis Gun.

    On this map you will find 2 levels, 2 elevators (made with shield doors), and most of the usual weapons that you would normally find on a Bungie made map. All game types are supported except race and invasion.


    Also, check out my other maps:​







    #1 Larry Tanng, Dec 4, 2010
    Last edited: May 12, 2011
  2. Dizzyman572

    Dizzyman572 Forerunner

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    This map looks pretty sweet, I don't have the noble map pack yet so I can't like give complete feedback. But The lazer beam could be used in alot of future user maps on tempest. Very clever idea.
  3. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    This is really good! I like how you have used the lazer in the map, I have been making a map on Tempest, and it is difficult getting the new map to look good with the forge items, but you have done it well! The tunnel works well and nicely uses the aesthetics on the location and the base looks good too, A good arial shot would be good but with the height restriction on Tempest it makes it difficult to do. This is the best released tempest map I've seen so far! Another good job
  4. Flywheel1

    Flywheel1 Forerunner

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    The layout apart from the laser area is quite good. I like. The spires give it a good forerunner feel that other forge maps have been missing.

    You also won me $10 on a bet I had on how long it would take before the first map came out focused on the laser beam. =P
  5. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    I can tell nobody who has posted has actually downloaded the map, because they didn't say anything about the EXTREME LAG CAUSED BY TOO MANY OBJECTS. That is a big problem, because it hinders the gameplay greatly. I like the idea, but some objects should be removed to fix the lag issue.
  6. Larry Tanng

    Larry Tanng Forerunner
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    It doesn't lag for me. Did you install Reach to the hard drive, or did you play it in basic editing mode? I put a lot of game type items everywhere to support most game types, so try playing it in custom games with Reach installed to the hard drive. If that doesn't work, then what can I remove that the map doesn't need, to reduce lag?

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I remember I've seen a map on Tempest using almost the EXACT same scenario as this. A long-ish walkway-bridge-type thing with a laser going down the middle. If I recall correctly, I would say that it was released within the first few days.

    But still, nice and creative map. That being said, just think of how many more maps like this are currently being made. To the point where it just gets old and annoying, like trees in Forge World.

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