Hello guys this my first halo reach map and my first post on forge hub.The story behind this map is a forruner memory unit that the UNSC is tryink to take over. It is a good looking team slayer map. Please tell me what you think about this map and if you guys have any ideas to improve it would be very apreciated. Thanks Bloo Jay EDIT- Added pictures courtesy of your friendly neighborhood Mongoose.
Your thumbnail image is not working because you need to put the direct link of the image into the box. For example, a picture I have uploaded of your map would have a direct link that looks like this: Also, your map thread is not up to standards. It requires pictures or a video of your map. To post pictures, put the direct link of the image into tags, like this: [quote][noparse][IMG]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6881585/NOOBS/vendetta1.jpg[/noparse][/quote] EDIT: If you are still confused, see this thread.
sick map (from the pics) I like the square-thing in the middle, but if I see this right there are bases that we cant really see inside so you may want to add a few more pics.
First things first I am Alex B too XD And as said previously by others yeah this map looks pretty awesome defo a great fisrst map I will dl and then edit my post for comments