Now I that I know to put this here...... I want somebody to make me a really cool signature please. All entries must be in by May 20th and please post a link for it. It has to be of a cool action shot in halo and must look really good. Use the name HaloStriker214. Make sure to photoshop it like most other sigs look like.
Looks nice reaper but I want a Cool Action Shot from Halo in there. You are really good at making sigs though.
Ok make it a sniper since I've gotten like 20 times better with it. And make it rogue armor with hayabusa soldiers and the Suprise me with the chest plate. Make him A Dark Blue with a Black secondary and White armor detail. Make the emblem a lone wolf which is black as primary and secondary is white and make the backround a circle and make it yellow. Is that specific? Look at the bottom four pictures and tell me which one you like the most. I'll try to use it for sig.