I've noticed lots of threads on B.Net about punishing quitters, but why not reward those who don't quit? For instance, when it is tallying your cR, have a 'Game Streak' category. Start it at 50, add 50 to a max of 1,500, if you quit you start back at 50. I sure as hell wouldn't want to sacrifice that bonus to join my friend in customs a few minutes quicker.
I dunno about a reward just for playing consecutive games, but if you did, It would have to be without breaks. I think, anyways. What would make a bit more sense would be to have a winning streak. For every game you win, you get 50 more credits at the end of your next game. Heck, even 25 would be worth it.
It's true, but punishing those who do not play correctly is worse, because sometimes the people who do things properly are affected. Think about it this way. In a classroom, you receive five points of extra credit for every 5 assignments turned in on time. You aren't technically punished by not turning your assignment in on time, but there is still an incentive to do so. The negative and positive incentive, combined, make turning in late work the least favorable option. While this isn't the best analogy seeing as I don't believe in extra credit for completion, it gets the point across. When you put bonuses at steak for following the rules, people are more likely to do so.
It's called the lottery jackpot. Playing games the whole way through can increase your odds of winning an insane bonus at the slot machine thingy, sometimes up to 70,000 cR. It's already implemented in Reach, and to me it works.
yeah, when i first started, i was getting less than 50 credits per slot machine. Now i often get 300-400 just because i don't quit games. I've gotten 777 before a few times. It's actually pretty sweet.
In my school, if you missed a bunch of assignments you would get a detention. So the quiter ban is good using your metaphor.
This. Except the most I've had is 777, not 70,000. Probably got something to do with me hardly playing more than like 5 matches in a row though.
Ah, I didn't know about the jackpot. In that case, good job Bungie! We have a winner. Good discussion everyone.
they are doing something like this. they said the less you quit/get booted/lag out the more cR you get for completing games.