Reach has been out long enough for the Reach Forging community to grow quite large right? I noticed that by now, it is pretty damn hard to come up with a unique map idea. Even if one does come up with an idea they think is unique, as soon as they post it a dozen other people will tell them they've seen it all before. All of this is expected of course when a game's been out for a while and everyone has the same things to work with. My idea however was to create a forge map which spoofs other popular forge world things. I was going to create a: - Single tree room (spoofing maps that seem to be centered around a tree) - An all gray room (spoofing maps which seem to be only made of gray) - A Z-Fighting room (spoofing maps which either have a lot of Z fighting in them, or when people notice like 1 tiny piece that happens to be doing it) - An overly aesthetic room (Spoofing maps that have over the top aesthetics that don't aid the gameplay) - A lag room (User's beware, I'm going to do all the things you aren't suppose to do in your map in this room) - An all jump pad/railings/elevator room (It's the new hotness apparently) - A large room where it isn't clear where to go (You know who you are people that forge areas where people are like WTF do I do now?!) - A room with only DMR's and nothing else in it (Because you can never have enough cow bell...I mean DMR) - An under water room (Thanks Jex) (Insert thesaurus word for ocean/sea/water etc) - A room with a kill ball in it, probably inside an antenna. (Thanks el megapwn) (I've got a fever....And the only more KILL BALL) - Rock garden room (It's good for the zen....F*** zen...get some damn flowers in those gardens, and where are you getting those damn rocks, the rock nursery?) - Mini Spoof: Spawning facing miscellaneous walls (Thanks chrstphrbrnnn)(I'm ready for some killing, come on action...(spawn)...damn wall.) These are all my ideas, tell me what you think. If anyone has another spoof to add post it and I might work on it if it is truly good. If anyone wants to help me create a specific room let me know. This map is just in a conceptual phase and I've only just started drawing lay outs for each of these rooms. If you're curious what kind of map this will be it will be an aesthetic map. Think of each room as an exhibit into what's happened in Halo Reach Forge so far... ***Disclaimer*** By the way, I'm sorry in advance if any of my spoofs offend people. This is a laughing with you, not at you kind of thing.
Haha, I lol'd when I read this. I do know what you mean though when it comes to finding fresh ideas. A suggestion: your z-fighting room and lag room could be one in the same. You could use many objects to cause an absurd amount of z-fighting, and if their phased together, then let the lag commence.
I forgot about under water maps. I'm going to add an under water room as well then, good thinking. I'm not quite getting the waterfall idea. I mean sure there are a fair amount of maps near where that is (usually lockout remakes) but they are usually lots of different maps.
Dare I say it? Part of your lag room could be forgemaths. :v Spirals and other geometrically-intense items. Or you could put that in the overdone aesthetics-with-no-gameplay-value room.
That's sort of the same as the room containing a single tree. The idea is making fun of maps with trees in them. (sorry Vanilla, I still <3 you) Good idea. I could put it in the canyon area. That seems to be where like 99% of maps involving lots of rocks seem to be. This idea might also just morph into a rock garden idea. (Everybody has to have a pretty little tin cup rock garden) Is that a thing? I have a lot of popular maps and haven't heard of a falcon room (other than on UNSC ship designs). Do you mean like in dog fighting maps? This did give me an idea though. I could also include a poorly made UNSC ship which is basically a "flying" box. (This is a maybe idea as it would take a lot of budget just to make a ship that makes fun of other ships) I'm not sure I get this one either. Like just a platform and nothing else? I suppose I could have an "arena" room which is nothing but a platform to make fun of all the arena maps.
If you don't have at least one killball floating in the middle of a large antenna, I'll be greatly disappointed.
Kill ball idea is a good idea. I'll have a kill ball room. The problem with a puzzle room is every room I'm making will have an entry teleporter and and exit teleporter. (That way it cuts down on overall lag of the map). So making a hard puzzle map room would make it hard for people to get to the exit teleporter lol. (Also it wouldn't be so much of a spoof as an actual challenge). However, a funny spoof on puzzle maps is to have a ridiculously easy puzzle room. I could set the overall gametype to assault (as it doesn't really matter what the gametype is for the other rooms) and have a room consisting of just a bomb and a bomb planting area. (Or something like that)