I'm not exactly sure if this has been discovered already, but I was toying around with some mines and hit the limit for 32 explosives. I made 31 trip mines and 1 fusion coil. When I thrusted the fusion coil into the trip mines, everything exploded except the fusion coil (because I was still holding it). I put the explosive Run Time Minimum on the highest number possible (32) and dropped the coil into the giant mess. When the coil respawned, it was a few feet away from the trip mines and it began to duplicate as if these items were undergoing mitosis. After a bit of time, there were roughly 40-50 explosives on the map (so about 8-20 free explosives past the object limit) I began to play around with these multiplying fusion coils and learned that I can pick up individual fusion coils without affecting the other ones. These duplicates take no toll on your budget or the other 32 explosives on the map. When you pick up and drop a duplicate, it duplicates again. You can keep creating duplicates, but some will begin to disappear when you make too many. When you delete 1 fusion coil, you delete all of them and will go back to 31 explosives. Here is the Bungie.net video in my file share of me doing this glitch. (rendered thanks to Stickmanmeyhem ! ) I hope that someone checks this out and can possibly build upon it. It seems like the first step towards totally getting past the Object Limit for any item. Imagine a limitless Forge where budget and object limit play almost no role in a player's creation.
I feel like you may have just ran into a glitch the causes an item to respawn without despawning the old object. When you start the game (or a new round) the "cloned" objects will all disappear. This is good proof that it is probably just the glitch in action, but I doubt it.
Truth. Though, I actually could see this working with other moveable objects, possibly even vehicles. my only question, is if they're still there when you save and reload the map? But yeah, sometimes, when I grab say, a small barricade, and push it against other moveable objects, they disappear. seems like it's the same concept.
Rendered it for yah. Anyways, this sounds awesome, but do the duped explosives disappear after you leave forge or do they actually stay?
Actually, I know for a fact that this work in some degree. Last night, I was forging with some friends, and we accidentally placed a turret above water, inside the kill boundry. It would spawn and break. Eventually, we had about 20-30 broken turrets in the water, all of them useable in that you could pick them up. 1 Turret = 16 people holding turrets lol.
I actually just noticed this the other day, only using golf balls/dice. I spawned a Tin cup floating in the air, 3 golf clubs, and a golf ball, and set the golf ball to a max speed of 5. When I hit the ball it duplicated into 5. the same thing happened when I deleted the golf balls and spawned a die and set it to max. If you moved the die with the club another would instantly spawn without despawning the others.
I wonder, if you can't keep these into customs, maybe this could be a useful idea for mini-games if you can cause it in game. IE Home run contest, or just to rain mega-slosions etc.
Wow, if this works in-game for tanks, my 8v8 tank warfare map could become a reality. That was probably the best thing I've ever seen. I'm going to go try this with tanks. From my short experiments, it doesn't work with tanks, but I plan to try more things. Strange things happen when you start a new round, however: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=10774651&player=wi1lywonka Darg, I wish Silverlight supported embedding on Forgehub/viceversa.
So I havent tried starting a new round or restarting the game (I'll get on that), but I was told that the duplication process restarts when you start a new round; so it is still duplicate-able, but all of the copies aren't where they were last.
If what you were told is true, then you're not duplicating the objects; you're simply spawning multiple copies from one instance. OBJECT = Fusion Coil SPAWN = Where you placed the OBJECT INSTANCE = An individual OBJECT that spawned at SPAWN Your bug -- if what you were told is true -- is merely generating (too many) INSTANCEs of the OBJECT at its SPAWN.
There's a map in the file browser that i find was double glitched, hence the map's name. It had 2x the colusium walls (sorry if I mispelled). Search it up on the file browser with the tag "legit no lies". For some reason, I searched that on another day. The author claimed (in the description) that lag made it glitch. Loscocco did something with the max object count. Hmm... I wonder...