I would say cover up the sides of the one way shields on the lift, but that's the only even minor problem I could get from the pictures. Looks very nice overall. I would like to play on it if you ever need testers!
More pics please. Or at least one overall pic. I really liked the rocket hallway, so that only left me wanting to see more.
Holy crap this isn't out yet? I tested this for you like a month ago! Haha, I'm sure there's a reason for it
Overview with the roof deleted. Note that there wouldn't usually be a roof over the middle part anyway. I'll probably post the map today or tomorrow.
Wow that's way better. I pictured the layout to be something similar to this, but I couldn't picture it exactly in my head. I'll definitely DL it when you release today or tomorrow.
Yeah, I can't wait to see this. Please release :3 Make sure that your gametype works really good. In both of my current 2v2 maps, I had problems with sprint causing a huge amount of running away, and chasing is suicide because you end up with two people shooting at you and no teammate to cover you. So it ends up slowing down the gameplay dramatically.