
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by BegForMyMercy, Nov 29, 2010.

  1. BegForMyMercy

    BegForMyMercy Forerunner

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    [FONT=&quot]I am here to present to you all "Traverse".
    This map is in the Forgetac-contest. Now I wanted to release it for you all to enjoy.
    I have spent many hours and many moons to make this map and have listened to every detail that people wanted me to adjust for consideration of balance and beauty. Traverse is another word for bridge and so the name I derived from it was the link from the first objective to the core, thus the theme was born.

    This is where it starts. The Zealots have been issued an order to steal the UNSC Computer hard drive which contains valuable data on how to take over Reach. They are attacking on the front line from the wilderness and secure a better drop location for reinforcements.

    The Spartans’ first stand is to take top control upon this rock region and keep all the zealots from pushing forward you are the front line of defense before the zealots invade your facility. The zones you must protect lie right before you.

    This is the top view of what your layout looks like Zealot or Spartan control this area! Alpha site and Bravo site make distinct noises so secure your area.

    The 2nd Objective. This objective is the very essence of war. Flank your enemy or push right in there full force with the wraith your call. There is yet again 2 zones to secure within each building. Spartans have the advantage again spawning near their defense points with the Grenade launcher to retrieve on the way to the defense points Alpha and Bravo. Shot gun and Sniper are also in this area along with and old friend in the garage, the warthog.

    The long Curved bridge is big enough to support Heavy vehicles though use it with caution as it is very open.

    Either you are the Spartans or Zealots this is your way out or way to flank. This is one of the UNSC top secret anti gravity bridges located at this facility. Use it to cross great distance as you are lifted from 2 man cannons across a great valley. Oh and if you’re afraid of heights, don't look down.
    Although this bridge can support quite the load of passengers its quite the scenic route as well as a wonderful flank with a treasure on the end.

    There is a plasma launcher on the other end. Good enough to take out that tank or steal from the Zealots and have the upper hand but keep in mind, this isn't the only weapon handy in the field.

    The Halo lift, one cool lift I invented in forge world. Never the less another useful tool as it does provide cover in the final objective but for now this provides you a way up to the battle field for the flank protected by your ground vehicles.

    The garage the Spartans have an option to spawn into is located here behind the two facilities they must defend. Inside during the 2nd objective they will have access to the warthog.

    After which if worse comes to worse, they will have the Tank to use to defend the core.

    At the 2nd objective behind the Alpha zone lies the Spartan sniper along with the health pack. Spartans again spawn near this location. Later as the Zealots take this area over they have use of this facility and its weapons.

    Away from the bridge but near another spawn location for the Spartans lies the shot gun and health pack location. Use it to your advantage.

    Although not hidden, the Grenade launcher is Key for survival for the Zealots or Spartans to decide who earns it. This takes out vehicles and shields instantly to the right user grab it when your friends go for the heavy artillery and leave you hanging. It is near the vehicle bridge and you might snag that wraith or warthog.

    Rockets are dead center on a rock.

    Spartan laser spawn. The laser as well as rockets and sniper spawn after 120 seconds, hold your ground until they can be used during 2nd objective and it might pay off.

    The focus rifle is very handy to keep opponents down. This is in a very lovely location as if you were to spawn on your teammate when they travel by their heads and your left a quick way over the vehicle bridge take a moment to look for this because it might make the support your team needs.

    The Core tower, this is it the final battle. There is 4 lifts up! 2 in the front, one in the bottom middle of the tower and finally one in the back for Spartans to re-enter battle.

    Tier 3 vehicles at the Zealots disposal.

    Another amazing invention I conjured up was this core vault. This is where you will find the prize.

    Although it looks easy this isn't going to be a hand out. You want the core you’re jumping.... a long way down with it. Be careful Spartans as the Banshee has a huge sky box while not infinite it can fly through the towers windows easily and precisely, good luck.


    If your team can stall long enough this is what your final goal is. Retrieve that core and win. There are 2 routes the short way and the long way. Safe and deadly take your pick.


    Well that is what I have for now please enjoy the map. It was a lot of work for me and as I said weapons are balanced take it for a test run or enjoy with 11 of your friends. Thanks also wanted to note that I have had much experience with Invasion maps and other forges if you needed some help please don't hesitate I'm a pretty cool guy and can help.[/FONT]
    #1 BegForMyMercy, Nov 29, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2010
  2. jipisig

    jipisig Forerunner

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    Having tested this map countless times, you already know I love it. Extremely fun! I recommend a download for all invasion lovers! Tier 1 feels like an epic battle of teamwork for both Spartans and Elites! It is my favorite part to navigate through! Yet, tier 3 is by far beyond amazing. Vehicles flying off the man cannons up the tower, hijacking vehicles leaving the garage, grabbing jet pack and snipe, then glitch jet packing off the man cannons to the very top of the tower. Downloading this map to just look at the aesthetics does no justice to its true game play. Gather 12 people and test it out. Guarantee you will have the same reaction as me. Great job! ^_^

    P.S. Add a "thumbnail" of your tower. I am sure it will catch some eyes...
  3. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I haven't actually played this map as of yet, so I don't really think it's my place to comment. Anyways, I just wanted to tell you how glad I am to get another amazing Reach Invasion map. It seems as though you seriously took your time testing and perfecting most of this map. Not only that, but you decided to add your own inventions and aesthetics, all of which are stylish and easy to use.

    The only real complaint I can muster up about the map is that in regular Invasion gametypes, the Humans might be able to "long range camp" the Elite's seemingly low-cover spawn in the first phase. Again, I haven't actually tested your map yet, so feel free to shoot down that remark. Also, how many people have you tested this with? It seems that all your test groups were fairly large, and I'm curious as to whether you designed this map to play just as well with smaller parties.

  4. BegForMyMercy

    BegForMyMercy Forerunner

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    Well no offense taken what so ever. However I do hope you join the game to take a look. As a matter of fact a minor detail I did not release was the fact that Elites get 3 needle rifles and the Spartans only get 2 DMRs and To further your question. It takes time for the Spartans to grab the DMR and climb up the rock cat walk to gain top control. It takes little time for an Elite to grab the Needle rifle and roll into cover. Further more as in normal Invasion game types. Be aware that you may use Camo and needler right off the start. You could take the long road around the rocks and get the upper hand behind the Spartans. Just try it and see. Aside from that needlers and Plasma Grenades are deadly tools. you could play with less people but I recommend it for 12. If you want set your party to Blue team and walk in there with 2-5 friends and attack each phase to get a feel for the map. Look for those weapons spawns and go at it. Thanks for your comments!

    I did edit the thread to add the thumbnail of which you asked. Also wanted to express great gratitude of your help during the making of this map testing it and balancing etc. As you know I wanted a fair map to play Invasion on that would inspire people to want to play on over and over again. As in Bungies' maps Boneyard and Spire are broken with all the powered weapons in a room in boneyard which leads to elites not having a chance at the core if the Spartans defend it well which they should they get shot gun and armor lock as well as rockets, laser, shotgun and sniper all in that room above the core. Spire has 2 things that will make someone invincible If an elite or spartan were to grab the sniper and jump in the banshee he will rain death upon everyone and the terrain is too much to cover an area. My map is a clean map where there are 3 vehicles in your hands, and the ability to spawn closer to your objectives. There is anti everything on this map just got to go and get it. Again please enjoy my map for what its worth and leave any feed back for improvements if it needed any.
    #4 BegForMyMercy, Dec 1, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2010

    FORTY SEVIN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I am really impressed with this map! I have not played it yet but very much enjoyed the walkthrough! I have to say probably my favorite invasion map I have seen on forge world! The anti grav lift and the loop lift are brilliant :p!

    My only complaint would be the ending. My biggest gripe with invasion maps is that the ending doesn't feel like the offense accomplished much (i.e. running the core to the top of a tall rock) A few of my favorite style endings are where you blow up an important building or the map feels like you got the core somewhere important. The top of a tall rock just doesn't do it for me. Another technique I saw in a map called Heist was the creator actually made a pelican that they brought the core to which I thought was very cool!

    Again this is a very small gripe and the only one I can come up with, everything else is flawless! Very well done.
  6. BegForMyMercy

    BegForMyMercy Forerunner

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    I didn't want to make anything look corny as other random looking pelicans or drop ships look. I wanted it to look professional and give that extra level of fun as well. I really appreciate your comments. I know everyone else will love this map too. It is quite a challenge to get that core to the ending believe it or not. Few have said the same as it doesn't appear like you earn anything by capturing it but it is on top of a hill. A feat worthy of winning if you can get that core up there before the Spartans stop you.
  7. lightweaver29

    lightweaver29 Forerunner

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    Generally I do not enjoy invasion very much. Probably because its massively broken as Beg mentioned earlier. However, I had the distinct honor of being able to participate in the testing of this map. I have to hand it to Beg, this is a very well constructed map and definitely the best invasion map I have ever played. Very well balanced and a lot of fun to play, over and over again.
  8. BegForMyMercy

    BegForMyMercy Forerunner

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    I have spent many hours making this map and taking into consideration other players views as to what they believe would be fair for balancing. It was a pleasure to have tested it with many different players including yourself. If not for you guys who helped play test this map, it would not be as fun as it is today. Without any question this is the best invasion map I have seen so far.

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