Read the title. I'll just do a breakdown of my thoughts on each map, and then in overall impression. Breakpoint: The first thing I noticed with this map is that I have no idea where any damn weapon is. I found 1 shotgun, 1 splaser, 1 focus rifle and 2 rocket launchers. That's about it. I'm not sure if it has to do with the design of the map being fairly confusing or just bad placement on Bungie's part, but if I can't find the weapons doing a close sweep through in Forge, how can I expect to find them in matchmaking. Another thing I noted was how much trouble it was to try and get onto the central mountain/ridge thing. Now, it is by no means difficult, but if the devs were really intending on people getting up the hill, why is it so damn steep? Halo is about fluidity, and it doesn't work to well when you spend ten seconds sliding down a hill you're trying to climb that leads to the focus rifle. In the end, though, I must account for the fact that this is intended for Invasion. I can't form a full opinion of it until I see it in action with the gametype it was meant to be played with. Quality-wise, I'd say its around the same as Boneyard. I think we all would have preferred to have Sidewinder/Avalanche back. Anchor 9: Out of all the maps in here, I'd say this is the least ****ed up. And by least ****ed up I mean that there are less things wrong with this one then the others. So where do I start? I suppose when everyone first saw they map they envisioned epic zero g space battles. Too bad Bungie dropped the ball. Hard. I honestly don't get what they are trying to accomplish by putting all of these kill barriers on their maps. There was so much potential here that was squandered. And I still don't understand why they keep putting rockets on small maps like this. This dated back to Halo 3, even. You don't put rockets on a map like Assembly, or Reflection, or etc. Perhaps they didn't notice that they put a grenade launcher in this game? I'm not sure, but all I know is that I'd much rather have a grenade launcher over rockets on a map like this. Also, why the hell did they tilt the shield doors leading out to the vacuum? Makes the rather pointless space area even more lackluster. But still, I suppose the action flows well, and at least the void is nice to look at, if not play in. Tempest You know, I really want to try and like Tempest. Honestly. It's like a sexy cross between Valhalla and Relic (from the H2 map pack). Good weapon balance (although two rockets seems a bit overkill), excellent movement around the map, etc. Out of the three, Tempest would be my favorite. Note I said "would" and not "is". This would have to do with the fact that Tempest has some of the worst spawning I've ever seen. In any game. Ever. I can guarantee that at least 50% of my deaths on that map have to do with some guy spawning on the same side I'm on, only a few seconds away. I actually went into theater to verify this one. I'm sitting by one of the rocket launcher/man cannon buildings, doing my thing with a sniper rifle. A guy spawns in front of the exact same base I'm next to. He heads to the left for a few seconds, sees my bullet contrail, sees me, shoots me, kills me. Maybe if it was a smaller map I could understand. But seriously, Tempest is ****ing huge. There were atleast 3 other areas he could have spawned. It is almost impossible to create any sort of map dominance because no matter where you sit, at some point someone will spawn right on your ass. If it weren't for that I might be able to say that Tempest is actually one of the best maps from any Halo game, ever. Perhaps if they fix the spawns up I might get to say that. Overall Each map is disappointing or annoying in their own ways. However sad it may seem, however, I must say that these maps are MUCH better than most of the ones shipped in game. It's so unfortunate that most console games rarely get patches. Fix a couple things here and there and these maps could easily become fan favorites. 8.5/10
I can agree with you about breakpoint's large and confusing layout. At least it gets used more than Boneyard, which sees half the map unused. I also don't know what is up with putting in a high point in the middle of the map that takes a huge effort to take and control or the entire game is over. This happens in Paradiso as well with the huge mountain. Anyhow, I think these maps are all really fun. Sure the spawns on Tempest are weird sometimes, but every halo map has bad spawns at some point or another. Maybe the dynamic spawns can be tweaked, but as it is, I've been having some really fun matches here. Anchor Nine is a bit confusing to me still, but like the pit, it will take some time to understand how to play it. For me, it feels grenade spammy at the center, but it helps control the shotgun spawn. I'd say every map in Halo appeals to different people for play style reasons and play priorities. I think Tempest and Boardwalk are my favorite Reach maps as of yet though. Just give the maps a chance, I guess.
Disagree. I like them all for different gametypes. Breakpoint is the best on Invasion, anything else it lacks. Tempest is great for Slayer and Flag games and Anchor 9 is epic win on Stockpile and Slayer.
Tempest + Stockpile = Amazing I dont know, Im really digging into the map pack. It feels so good, so colorful. I totally disagree with this thread. Anchor 9 reminds of the pit.
the points that you bring up sound like initial complaints. i noticed a few of these problems, and had a few similar complaints as well during the first couple hours of playing the maps. youll find that after you LEARN a map, youll know how to play it. what a ****ing surprise, eh? seriously, all of the points you've brought up i have not personally experienced any of these frustrations at all. Breakpoint was a little bit initially confusing, but it took less than 3 games to figure out where weapons are. im actually glad that stupid people cant find them, because that means i get the laser multiple times in every game. honestly, they're all sitting out in the open. at least they arent hiding in the grass like on Tempest. i dont get how you can complain about the rocks on Anchor 9 either? the one thing i can complain about them is the respawn time is too fast, causing people to focus too much on going out there to grab them. but more often than not, two idiots from each team run for them and blow themselves up every time they spawn. the space area was not created for forge, its for Anchor 9's gameplay. thats why its not enormous. i agree it would have been nice to forge out there, but floating in space battles in MM might not have been as great as you imagine. you're basically a sitting duck in space. even with the mobility of the jetpack, you're still an easy kill.
The only complaint I have with the map pack is that I've yet to get a match in Matchmaking on Invasion: Breakpoint. Seeing as how the map is designed for it, it's kind of saddening to not get the chance to play it yet, and I feel like I can't judge it fairly until I do. For regular matches, though, I think the Banshees are a little much, and the spawns for objective, especially asymmetric gametypes, need some work. Being spawn trapped by a large assortment of vehicles can be fun, but never on the receiving end. Tempest reminds me so much of Valhalla meets Standoff, which were two maps I held close to heart from Halo 3, considering Squad Battles and BTB were all I played. It's great to see a good BTB map in Reach, other than Hemorrhage. Anchor 9 is good, but I wish I could play it more in a 4v4 scenario. Most of these problems would be solved if I had friends with the maps to play with, but I have no friends. Bottom line is in my opinion, this map pack is on par with Legendary and Heroic map packs, which contained my favorite maps in Halo 3's life span.
I disagree with almost everything you said. They are all great maps. i could play anchor 9 all day. it really is kind of like the new "pit" like they said in the preview vids. literally, played 5 matches in a row on that map and wasn't tired of it breakpoint is supposed to be like avalanche, except a full circle. i'd really like one day to go by without another bitching thread. oh well.