So I was thinking, whilst SOTW has run dry over the past couple of weeks there's now no Graphics contests on the site - and whilst that's down to a lack of activity from lots of people (myself included), I still think there should be something for us to compete against each other in. And, since Signatures aren't that big around here any more, and Large art never really was, Photography seems like an ideal choice. Besides, it takes a lot less effort to take a picture and get it on your PC than edit one. Furthermore, It wouldn't be as unbalanced as SOTW where there used to be a lot of competitors and usually just a few people who consistently won the comp., whereas photography is much different IMHO. Almost anyone can take a decent snap . So tell me, would anyone be interested? A weekly/bi-weekly competition for photography? Thanks!
I agree, sigs are too much work and when you are proud of them, people point out every flaw they have, so this contest would be a bit more fair for a change.
Not entirely true, photography can be tricky, although that depends on what people's standards are as to what a good photo is. The idea actually sounds pretty good but to negate a point of yours for the fun of it . It actually might take more effort than SOTW because it involves leaving the comfort of the computer to actually take the photo. So in the physical regard, it takes more effort. I think it could work, but how would you maintain validity in the competition?
Hmm, I agree, It can be tricky - but IMHO photography is much less about skill, or even practice (although it certainly does help), but just about being in the right place at the right time. I know I'm a poor photographer, and most of my half decent shots have been complete luck. Well, yes, obviously you may have to get out and take a few shots - but whereas with a signature you'd have to spend a good degree of time working at it, and you probably wont get it first try, photography simply requires a few shots and your selection of your personal favourite. Gonna take a guess at what you meant behind Validity . I'd leave validity open to how the entrants view the theme, and maybe ask them to elaborate on how their Snap relates to it. Thanks for the input.
I just got a new camera and have been looking for a good reason to use it. I'd be interested, though I can't promise a submission every POTW contest.
You can't really. I guess people are gonna have to be responsible in this contest. This sounds like a really cool idea btw
Kids can't be responsible. What do you think parents are for? Well you could put the original photo that includes a paper saying "FH" or sumtin' in the corners of the picture. Then edit it out.
Good point, I see that could be a problem. I kinda like this idea, and though it might be a pain in the arse it would solve a few problems. I guess you could take the picture, then take another in the same or close to where you took it, with something like that in the picture. Thanks for all the input in this people!
OK i stole an idea from stoj . Make a photography thread for everyone first of all, and if it takes off then think about a contest?