Problems with Custom Games

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ragumshnagum, Dec 3, 2010.

  1. Ragumshnagum

    Ragumshnagum Forerunner

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    I've attempted to make a custom game, but there's a huge problem that makes it pretty much impossible to play correctly.

    The game involves a single zombie who must attempt to kill the rest of the players, but it is possible for the "humans" to kill the zombie.

    It's all good.

    Except everyone has one life.

    Here's where the problem is. When the zombie dies, unless there's only one non-infected left, the game doesn't end. If there's at least two survivors when the zombie drops, you're screwed. It's incredibly irritating.

    So, I tried to make the same gametype in Juggernaut. However, here's where another problem comes in: no matter what I set, the Juggernaut spawns with a gravity hammer.

    I bring this to your attention because I want to know if anyone knows why this might be happening. Am I the only one with this problem? If I'm not, please tell me what you know. Because if this is a problem everyone has, I'd expect Bungie to do something about it.
  2. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    It's been established many times before, but I'll say it again. In Reach, Bungie didn't give one **** about the Custom Game options, and now they're WORSE than in Halo 3. It doesn't make any sense to make Forge better but make Custom Game options worse. I'm sorry about your gametype man, and I hope the fix the Juggernaut glitch soon. It's about ****ing time.
  3. Ragumshnagum

    Ragumshnagum Forerunner

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    That's not an excuse.

    It's clear that Bungie didn't even bother testing it.

    I mean, first they got rid of VIP.

    Now they've made it so Infection games can't even play correctly unless it's set up for the zombies to win.

    Still, if they just fixed even Juggernaut, the gametype I had in mind would actually work.
  4. Belly391

    Belly391 Ancient
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    i have no idea what was going thorugh bungies mind when they decided, 'hey, lets make forge better but completely screw over customs by taking away VIP and gametype opition for infection etc'
    i mean dids they look at halo 3 when they made reach and seee what was good and what wasnt
    as for your gametype problem, you try switching the teams arounbd, i.e humans become the zombies and vive versa. thats what some other people have done the get around this problem
  5. Ragumshnagum

    Ragumshnagum Forerunner

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  6. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I found the abuse of Alpha Zombie game type set-ups in Halo 3 more annoying.
  7. patrickcanttype

    patrickcanttype Forerunner

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  8. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
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    The Juggernaut limitation isn't a glitch so much as it is a hidden limitation.

    In Halo 3 and Halo: Reach, you can set Traits for different categories of players, like VIP Traits, Infected Traits, and Haven Traits.

    However, no gametype in those games can force a player's held weapon to change if they start using a new set of Traits without dying. Say I'm playing a VIP gametype where the VIP is given a BR as their Primary Weapon. I'm holding an AR, my team's VIP dies, I become VIP. My weapon will not change, even though my new VIP Traits specify another weapon. If, on the other hand, I died and respawned as a VIP, I would then be holding a BR.

    This limitation extends to all gametypes in Reach. But how, then, do they give the Juggernaut a Gravity Hammer without killing him?

    It's hardcoded. The game variant settings have no effect whatsoever on the dynamic weapon switch. It's raw program code that's changing the Juggernaut's weapon, and unfortunately, this program code wasn't designed to check the game variant and use the Juggernaut Traits' weapon(s).

    In other words: it's not a glitch, it's the lack of a feature!
    TimotheosFraser likes this.
  9. TimotheosFraser

    TimotheosFraser Spartan I

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    OH! That makes so much sense. I was fiddling with this gametype in the MCC, and it got ported here with it. I found out when players other than the juggernaut couldn't hold Gravity Hammers initially, and I got so confused. Nice to get closure on the problem.

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