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I can definitely see the Assembly and Derelict, but I just can't seem to see the Guardian. Nevertheless, the map looks pretty good.
*Original Post Removed By Author* Having spent some considerable time here, I've come to find the staff extremely unprofessional and abusive. I have been persecuted relentlessly by a small clique of individuals, and because of this I am now removing any and all contributions I have brought to this community. Any and all contributions I make in the future can be found posted in other communities.
In oddball, i went 31-12 with a running riot. in team slayer i went 20-4 with a killing frenzy. i absolutely love this map, it seemed a bit small at first but it plays perfectly, i only had a few bad spawns, when someone spawned behind me and i heard his DMR click and i whipped around and noscope-beat downed him. Oddball is brilliant on this map, its perfectly balanced and no spot is overpowered on this map. I love how you put the jump from green hall to top blue, it adds a lot more flow to the map and makes the green hall not seem so one way'd like shotty hall does on guardian. I dont really have a problem but maybe, evade's platform could be a tad bigger, i could help with that without interrupting maybe flow. Much love <3
*Original Post Removed By Author* Having spent some considerable time here, I've come to find the staff extremely unprofessional and abusive. I have been persecuted relentlessly by a small clique of individuals, and because of this I am now removing any and all contributions I have brought to this community. Any and all contributions I make in the future can be found posted in other communities.
haha well we had three people stationed and i free roamed and just slayed. I would have played more but the gf is here and we had to receive pizza and then consume it. The ball was in blue and we had one in orange, and red, then i just free roamed and put shots on everyone and i cleaned up some kids and i tried to put as many shots on as many people as possible anddd ha yeaaa i was owning, i wanted to play more but the gf is here and since we cant really spend much time together anymore i need to lol
Looks like you took some of my advice! Like I said in the game, pretty cool map, it reminds me of a mash up of a lot of different Halo maps. You could have invited me to the play testing though!
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That video is nice, and the music is a good unconventional choice (I get tired of all the gaming vids with blaring nu metal and ****). Map is looking really good too!
*Original Post Removed By Author* Having spent some considerable time here, I've come to find the staff extremely unprofessional and abusive. I have been persecuted relentlessly by a small clique of individuals, and because of this I am now removing any and all contributions I have brought to this community. Any and all contributions I make in the future can be found posted in other communities.
I love me some testing. If you ever need anyone, ill test as much as you want. GT:JDB95. Question: Why the name Amalgam?
I actually played on this last night. The party leader said a buddy of his made it, guess that was you. I must say the map plays extremely well and definielty has elements from Guardian. We played a game of MLG Ball and I had a blast, even though I went -13.
amalgam as a word itself means to be a composite. So if he made a map with various components from other maps, his name is very fitting.
*Original Post Removed By Author* Having spent some considerable time here, I've come to find the staff extremely unprofessional and abusive. I have been persecuted relentlessly by a small clique of individuals, and because of this I am now removing any and all contributions I have brought to this community. Any and all contributions I make in the future can be found posted in other communities.
Hey Secret, Feel free to add me. It seems all I do now is test maps with people whether they're my own or theirs. Definitely looking to add a base of people. Hit me up anytime, I'll join.
*Original Post Removed By Author* Having spent some considerable time here, I've come to find the staff extremely unprofessional and abusive. I have been persecuted relentlessly by a small clique of individuals, and because of this I am now removing any and all contributions I have brought to this community. Any and all contributions I make in the future can be found posted in other communities.
*Original Post Removed By Author* Having spent some considerable time here, I've come to find the staff extremely unprofessional and abusive. I have been persecuted relentlessly by a small clique of individuals, and because of this I am now removing any and all contributions I have brought to this community. Any and all contributions I make in the future can be found posted in other communities.