Suspension V15

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Requiem Fiasco, Dec 2, 2010.

  1. Requiem Fiasco

    Requiem Fiasco Forerunner

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    Here is the culmination of far too much effort on my part with the help of Nutduster, Spartain G086, Iwillis, ProtoFury, and a few others along the way.

    This was my forgetacular effort that was extremely complicated and most likely more than I should have done on my second ever map. With that said I learned a huge amount about the forge engine and what can be done and fixes for lag and other various issues. The map went through 15 distinct variations, I got to the point where the first edition looks nothing like the final version.

    The original Idea was to make a vertical map that would be played with the red base on top and the blue base on the bottom. I have since realized that the project was to ambitious as the average player has difficulty with the z axis on a extreme scale. What this caused was the players to gaggle on one floor.

    What I did to combat that was delete several of the levels and work with the high traffic area and make that the center point. I created several avenues of approach to the high traffic area and embraced what the players wanted to do. I also added power weapons in several areas to entice the players to use the alternate paths.

    Below are some pictures to the map.



    #1 Requiem Fiasco, Dec 2, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2010
  2. SlySonikku

    SlySonikku Forerunner

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    Requiem, you need a thumbnail (preferably an image overlooking the map as a whole) for the forum page. And the DL link should go to the map itself: : Halo Reach : File Details

    I've said my thoughts plenty of times, but I'll say it again: this is a fantastic map, and the slayer matches are frantic.
  3. Dizzyman572

    Dizzyman572 Forerunner

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    I just took a look at the map and I have to say this is feature and matchmaking worthy.
    Suspension Feels alot like Black Out mixed with Construct. I loved all of the various areas that you could explore. There was obviously alot of consideration in making of this map, and it was an honor nominating it to be featured on Forge Hub.
  4. Requiem Fiasco

    Requiem Fiasco Forerunner

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    Thank you for all the positive comments. I hope to win Forgetacular but the competition is tight with all the awesome maps.
  5. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I remember testing this one night with some other folks, it was really confusing at first but I got a hang of it, good map and I wish you luck on the forgetacular contest!

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