Okay I searched. I found nothing. And now I ask. Can you force player models for certain gametypes and how? I am specifically asking about HeadHunter in case there is a difference.
Use a recent game from matchmaking. The gametypes in matchmaking are secretly modded to force player models, otherwise, check headhunter pro out.
Let me clarify just a little. I am trying to alter a gametype to suit my needs (check this thread Throwing an idea out there(Head Games))for further info. But its not necessary. What I need is to force player models for damage reasons, jump height reasons, and for teleporter reasons. I will look into Headhunter Pro, but what is this secretly hidden you talk of??
Matchmaking games force spartans, if you play a headhunter game on matchmaking. Then go to your recent gametypes and pick THAT headhunter game it will fix everyone to a spartan, (because its modded).
Okay...Cool, thanks for the help. In the future I'm going to be an architect (I hope). And you just helped me immensely. Thanks!
I have no idea why Bungie didn't provide this option as standard, it seems obvious, but yeah you've got to use a gametype that's already modded to force Spartan or Elite and change that into the gametype you want. Kinda like how rocket race couldn't be created until Bungie did it.
Yeah it does seem obvious that this would be a given option. But I did use the "Pro" work around. Thanks for all the help guys. My gametype Head Games is almost ready now.