Is the new ranking system a fail?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Eclipse240, Dec 3, 2010.

  1. Eclipse240

    Eclipse240 Forerunner

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    Hey guys,

    So I was checking around and since this was not asked yet, Do you guys think the ranking system for reach is a fail? I mean, during halo 3 you would always see like thousands of people making maps for it and it would always be played over a thousand times. But now in reach, the ranking system has triggered the desire to be top amongst others in some of the gamers here. Now only a few people play customs because of the threat of being left behind in the rankings, where's the fun? I'm not complaining though, just asking your opinion, mine is that reach is OK and it's the BEST!!!!!!!!
  2. LD

    LD Ancient
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    Reach, just like the COD series, is a paralympic game. You win credits even if you loose.
    With Halo 3s Trueskill system you could excpect that a Level 50 is better than a level 30, in Reach that's not the case. I for example am a warrant offficer, not because I'm that bad, but because I don't play reach very much.
  3. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    The warrant officer etc ranks arn't really ranks like the 1-50 of halo 3.

    But higher ranks are still generally better because they have played longer know more about maps game play and strategies.

    They still have true skill in background so if you have played heaps of boosting firefight or something and are a general grade 4 and suck at matchmaking he could be vsing recruits The rank has nothing to do with who you get matched up with the true skill is the only thing that effects who you get matched up with (besides specific searches chatty etc)

    Also 1-50 is easily cheated and therefor is really without meaning so this one is better IMO shows you've played longer and more experienced because can't be cheated. 1-50 could get in 20 games or so.
    #3 WWWilliam, Dec 3, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2010
  4. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    So the system's now flawed because you can't flaunt your coolness to the world online strangers?

    Honestly, I don't understand how what you said is a bad thing. So what if you're a good Warrant Officer? How the hell does that reflect poorly on Reach's ranking system? To get back to the OP though, I really don't think that people will stop playing Custom Games altogether, mostly due to Reach's incredible Forge capabilities.
    #4 Hogframe, Dec 3, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2010
  5. Belly391

    Belly391 Ancient
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    its not flawed per sae. it doesnt really represent how good players actually are. ive played against general and brigadiers who were quite frankly, crap. where as in halo 3, they would have represented a challange to play against because it took good skill to get there
  6. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    I know what you mean. I feel like playing custom games but then I feel like I need to complete the challenges and by the time I do that I gotta go do homework.
  7. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I personally don't see anything wrong with the current system. Ranks should form a pyramid system, where there's extremely few high ranked players and a majority of players in the lower ranks.

    Halo 3's system was probably more of an hourglass system. A lot of 40-50s, fewer 20-40's, and a lot below 20's.

    It's just like a worker's union. The people at the top of the union chain make more money and have better titles. It's not determined on how good you are, but how long you've been in the union. This is similar with how Reach's system works.

    Personally it's not the ranking system that's keeping me from playing customs. Sure I want to finish the challenges, but I'm just not bored with some of the game types in Matchmaking enough to warrant moving to customs yet.
  8. Eclipse240

    Eclipse240 Forerunner

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    Still proves my point, too many people afraid of being left behind can't or won't play custom games...
  9. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    It's not, strictly speaking, a ranking system. The visible, officer ranks are only a measure of how many credits one has earned. They serve as a rough gauge of skill, yes, but they're more there to space out armor unlocks.
    As has been mentioned, the trueskill system is still in place, just invisible. The same ranking system from Halo 3 is used to match you up in matchmaking, it is not based off of your officer rank.
  10. cornlord

    cornlord Forerunner
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    I think customs have been lacking because my buddies usually want to finish the daily or weekly challenges. A lot of times those are only achieved in matchmaking. So it's hard to get them to want to play some races or some new forge maps. That being said, I love the ranking system and really like making my spartan unique. I think that the desire to get credits will lessen over time. So i'm just holding out for another month or two.
  11. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    I like the new ranking system better than Halo 3's. In Halo 3, you could get a ton of kills, but if your team lost by even just one kill, you ain't earning ****. In Reach, you get cR for every kill, medal, etc., which, IMO, is much more fair to players.
  12. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I fail to see how still liking Matchmaking proves your point. Why do I still prove your point? Because I still do challenges? I do challenges daily. It's not because of the cR. If that were the case, I'd complete more challenges. I only complete the challenges that I care to waste my limited time with. I don't want to play more than 2 hours. I make the most of my time playing the game types I like. I'm not gonna waste my time testing maps with only a handful of players when I can get into a full game in Matchmaking.
  13. TCD

    TCD Forerunner

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    Rank shows nothing. It only shows how much they've played. Or how much they've boosted. I've seen people stick with me and ALL of them are lower rank and can't realize that I'm just s good as an average player.
  14. Prototape

    Prototape Forerunner
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    If your argument were true, that people are avoiding custom games in Reach because they're scared of loosing precious time gaining rank, then Halo 3 would have been in the same seat as Halo Reach. Yeah it's easier to gain rank in Halo Reach, but you could still gain rank in Halo 3 as well. I didn't see many people playing custom games in Halo 3 until way down the road.

    Want to know why people aren't playing custom games? Because it's still a fairly new game. They want to play as much as they can out of matchmaking while the game is still new to them and fun. I've only really played on around 5 custom games with other people, otherwise I just take a moment to walk through custom maps that people have made and hope to play them in the future, then I move on to play matchmaking. Either that or I'm Forging.

    And for the record, I like the new rank system. It sort of demeans what it is to have a high rank so people will stop caring about a shiny badge, an increasingly longer rank name, a piece of new armor, and get to the actual game itself. All the perks of ranking are fun to me, but not nearly as fun as the game.
    #14 Prototape, Dec 4, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2010
  15. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Remove the ranking system. It's pointless in every game besides RPGs. In games like Reach and CoD, it just gives people a reason to boost and break the gameplay of the game so they can be "the best".
    Problem solved.
  16. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I don't mind it so much in Reach, since it's already out. But I hope that the remake of Halo:Combat Evolved is true to the original... with no ranking or armor unlocks. It's okay to have various armor permutations available, but give everyone access to all of the same ones. None of the elitist armor permutations crap.
    #16 MaxSterling, Dec 4, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2010

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