Whats halo maps would you like to see reamde and put into reach? I personally would love Sandtrap to be remade. I loved just having a team made of friends and driving about in 4 warthogs, destroying everything. what would make it better would be if it was part of a new desert forge world. Discuss
How about instead or redoing and rereleasing old maps, why don't Bungie put everything they learned since making the old maps and make awesome new ones like Anchor 9, Tempest, or Breakpoint? If they just keep remaking maps, all we will get are shitty inferior versions of nastalgic maps like hemorrhage and pinnacle. We must also keep in mind that Reach's mechanics are vastly different from Halo 1's, 2's, and even Halo 3's. So old maps might not work well with jetpacks or sprint or fall damage. Just a thought.
the reach hemorrhage remake is a fail of a map tbh. its doesnt go well with players running and gunning on as their are too many vehicles, and vehicular combat sucks as their are too many heavy vehicles i.e wraith, revenant and its is way too hilly. driving a warthog at full speed in the middle of a match and getting flipped or spun because of the hills isnt fun. besides, people like what has worked in the past and put frankly, some of these new maps, don't cut it compared to older ones. and what problems there were can be worked upon.
I think its ridiculous the amount of people complaining about the Blood Gulch remake after spending years demanding it. The only reason I can think of is that most people demanding it never actually played on the original Blood Gulch and all they know about it comes from Red vs Blue. What were you expecting? The original Blood Gulch had 4 scorpions which lead to 1 team circling the other teams base spawn killing them, IN CTF GAMES! I don't think there are any maps I really really want in Reach, I do want them to fix Asylum though. I mean the map is fine, but a lot of the pieces could be tidied up (like the Z-fighting on the middle structure or the small gaps under the 2x2 Corners by the Sniper spawns)
I wouldn't mind something like Narrows or Valhalla but NO REMAKES other than those 2. I want a new map. I want one where we can have a super epic low G battle! Like the map could be based on a moon or something. That would be cool.
I liked Hemorrhage, but otherwise I agree with this. I'm pretty tired of remakes because I want to see something new. Especially since Reach is so different from the other Halo games, I want to see them use that as a strength. Pretty much this. I love Blood Gulch, but I'm not going to glorify it because I'm having a very nostalgic moment. That level had some serious ass flaws, as do all of the maps. But, two remakes that would make me happy to see are Death Island and Icefields from Halo CE. But I'm not going to go to bnet and post 8 topics begging them to make them. Partly because I'm scared to see what they might do to them (avalanche..), but mostly because I don't care that much about remakes. Bring on the new material.
I want an ice/desert themed forge world, with Sidewinder, Waterworks, Sandbox, Sandtrap, and Zanzibar. Before you say icelands and deserts can't coexist--they can, especially in fiction. Large mountain/ridge, one once side (near ocean) is the iceland, on the other side, a desert void of water but still cold.
What was so bad about Avalanche? I loved that map. Couldn't get enough. Now, on topic, I'd love to see Longshore. It didn't get a whole lot of attention for its short life, whereas Citadel got picked too often and Heretic got paraded around like the freaking second coming of jebus.
It wasn't a bad map entirely. But in respect to Sidewinder, there were a lot of elements that I missed that I wished they would have included.
Longshore was one of my favorite maps. In fact, take every Mythic Map and you have my top 6 Halo 3 maps.
I'd enjoy some maps from other games, like some from Metroid Prime hunters! I spent way too much time in that game...
Because we all know how well that worked out so far... Seriously, Bungie needs to get their **** together. I liked it at first, but reach really didn't live up to what was promised. I would argue that a large part of that is the maps. all of the other halo games have had some awesome release maps, and the first map pack has had at least something of value. I havent played the noble pack, but from what I've seen from the recent maps from bungie, (mythic, reach) I'm quite disappointed. Even black ops seems better so far, and that's coming from someone who has been insisting that halo is the better series for a long time.
I would love to see bungie remake Timberland, Death island and Danger canyon. On another note I loved blood gulch and was quite happy to see hemorrhage in reach.