The latest UNSC Warthog variant. It's drivable, but it pretty buggy with the armor. How to make: 1: Spawn a Warthog (any type) 2: Spawn 2 Large Barricades 3: Put the barricades as shown on the picture 4: Defend that objective, Spartan!
In Halo 3, these vehicles were fairly useless in that very slow acceleration and movement was required to keep the Barricades from sliding off; this contributed to the name "Turtle". Is this still true in Reach, or can Turtles actually move now?
It's based on the turtle, but made it in Reach, and Yes it can move, but slowly and carefully, It's more of a defensive turret vehicle, AKA the cobra from Halo Wars. [br][/br]Edited by merge: They are not in stocked right now, the store is being built, but you can make your own if you wish.
Me too! Its a tank now that i think about it! Btw can the passenger shoot! And I wanna see something like this but with a falcon! Cockroach time!!!!! Or a scorpion!!!!! Time to be OP!!!
It's basically useless, but you can do this with a mongoose and a small barricade as well. You can even drive a little bit faster than the warthog, and someone can still ride on the back. I tried it with most of the vehicles. It almost works with a ghost. The Mongoose rides the best. It doesn't really work at all with a scorpion or a wraith. Though, you can use the barricades to make banshees into turrets, which is always fun
Question: Does the armor actually stay on it during turns/moving around quickly? If so the gauss hog could escape.. and wreak havoc.
It depends on how fast you drive. If you drive slow enough, it will stayon you infinitely. If you move too fast, it'll start too fall off. If you straight up floor it, it'll just rip right off. That said, I suppose it makes sense that you'd be trading better armor for less speed.
I think that I'ma make a race map with Turtles/Armadillos/Ricebuckets xD That would be fun, though probably not any way to enforce people from driving the armor off... UNLESS I HAD SNIPER PERCHES LOL