SEASON 4 arena slayer

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by schleb, Dec 3, 2010.

  1. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    whats your guys' take on the new season update with the "new" slayer arena game types being released?


    -one nade starts
    -AL removed
    -faster games
    -DMR and NR starts
    -new maps


    -still cant vote between arena slayer -OR- slayer pro
  2. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I don't like they're gradually getting rid of the armour abilities. Season 1 had Slayer DMRs (all AAs) then they got rid of the jet pack, then AC along with the radar and now armour lock as well.
    I'd rather they'd either get rid of all the armour abilities (or have just sprint like MM Classic Slayer) or bring back Slayer DMRs because otherwise the Arena is going to be very very quiet when MLG gets there playlist (are they getting a playlist? I'm just assuming they will eventually).

    Also, I miss the radar. I suck without it.
    #2 DMM White, Dec 3, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2010
  3. Hokets

    Hokets Forerunner
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    I'm very happy about these two, since they've been abused up until now. People might have to use their grenades more judiciously instead of throwing several in each encounter, and Armour Lock is way too unbalanced to have players spawn with.

    As for jetpacks, I don't really see why they're being taken out, but I'm willing to make that trade-off.
  4. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    ya this one is tough. i was mad at season 3 when they took it out, but then i realized how much more movement there was (not everytime) but it seemed like there was less crouching around the map. oh an i have a really titties pair of headphones so i could hear where everyone was walking (mw2 anyone?) but i got used to no radar fast, so now that its back on ive been running around forgetting i had it...back to crouching ;)

    i dont know if you're in support of JP's or only concern with the JP's is that i hate if i kill someone they can spawn in and fly right back to me before my shields have even regen'd back...its like "oh ya epic battle 1v1 battle, k wheres a health pack, wait what hes already back!" but i cant knock 'em b/c i use it too, for that same reason

    oh and heres a side topic* does anyone else not like the 3D radar? yes its very useful but thats not the point. Bungie basicly tells you where the person is located on the map. i personally loved the H3'dar (25m, one level) because it made me have to know the maps. by just watching how they moved on radar (around structures/obstacles) i could tell what floor they where on...but sometimes i was wrong. now its like oh ya hes below me or above fun bungie. any thoughts on this?
    #4 schleb, Dec 3, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2010
  5. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Hmm, that was odd. I know I was saying I wasn't a huge fan of the Arena but I just got the challenge for winning 5 games in it...
  6. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    My thoughts...

    Personally, I can't understand what Bungie's reasoning behind giving players Radar and Jetpacks was. I mean, I understand that Jetpacks would be too useful without a Radar, but wouldn't it be better to take them both out? For those who don't understand why Jetpack gives you an unfair advantage without Radars, it's because the jetpacker is the only one who has a method of instantly scouting his nearby area and telling where all the enemies are.

    Also, thank god for Grenades being removed. Grenade spam was my main reason for not wanting to play Arena. People knew they had no real reason to ration such an overly powerful force, so they just chucked away. Now that we only have one Grenade, I actually have a reason to move around the map and pick up grenades (which I still have to use carefully, by the way). Really, it's biggest effect is purely psychological. Players understand that these grenades that they obtain are valuable, and not something that they should waste. This, coupled with the knowledge that you can't get a free grenade refill by picking up a dead player's stash causes a drastic decrease in spam.

    One more thing. With Armour Lock finally out, people are being a lot more careful about their decisions, and a lot less hesitant to act aggresively towards another player. Another win in my book.
    #6 Hogframe, Dec 3, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2010
  7. Tadsh

    Tadsh Forerunner

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    In my opinion they are all pros aside from the jetpack. For the same reasons posted before I had a game on pinnacle with both opponents using jetpacks. I grabbed the sniper and headed up to the top of the 2 story tower. Later on I get a jetpacker come up to me and put me onto one shot, I extremely luckily no scope him and head downstairs to get a health pack. The guy had spawned above the rockets, jetpacked up and one shots me as I walked to the health pack! I think that trying to perfect arena week after week using as what I can only imagine is community feedback is not going to work, People will only outcry when there is something that they don't like, and as everyone has their own opinion. It will never be 'perfect'

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