
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by KerianH, Dec 2, 2010.

  1. KerianH

    KerianH Forerunner

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    Alright...legend has it that this website has had an infamous history of devastatingly annoying posts of maps that are incomplete; that is, they don't have the proper screenshots and either don't have a download link or something else that brings the map's creator down in his very beginnings. Hopefully, I can learn from their mistakes...

    My name is KerianH...I'm not new to Forge Hub but I've only recently (in the last 24 hours, probably longer by the time people start commenting) gotten an account here and have decided to show off my Forge creativity. As a whole, I am a very creative person, and the whole point why I've not gotten on in the past is because I had yet to have an Xbox Live account. Now that I have, I and my clan (essentially my two brothers who have yet to have Live accounts...rofl) are more than prepared to swamp this community with maps in the making...

    This is my first submission, called Trunk. Originally a map I designed on Sandbox on Halo 3, the map was originally built for the sake of having nice, small maps around that ensure the best of gameplay for small local parties of four people, essentially for those of us who had yet to have Xbox Live. However, the original map had its bugs; spawning didn't work out the way it should have, spawning people outside of the map at the beginning of the game, and the map's design allowed for several camping areas to be predominant around the map. However, the map was our favorite thus far in all of our creation, as it allowed for interesting antics and bugs such as a small corner at the bottom where a ramp combined with the edge of a block caused players to get stuck, and when they die they end up appearing as if they are falling in place.

    Now, the spiritual successor of this map has come to Reach. After checking out and downloading some MLG maps, I decided to make something that would act as a bit more of a realistic version of what Trunk could have been. Now, the map has grown shorter, but wider, and has the size that can ensure for both great close quarters gameplay and the occasional ranged fighting. With my newfound knowledge of how gametypes should be balanced, the weapon placement has changed tremendously from the original, and as such now reflects more upon a more balanced style of gameplay.

    Of course, if you are the average Forge Hub user, you'll probably skip my fancy, author-esque words and decide to check out the pics. Well, let's hope that the work, shall we?


    Plasma Pistols
    Assault Rifles
    Plasma Repeaters
    One Needler
    Plasma Grenades
    Frag Grenades

    Save for the Needler all weapons are evened out in the amount that exists on the map. I can't really give an exact amount off of the top of my head, but there are plenty of good weapons for variability and the Needler doesn't spawn until later on in the game and only respawns after a minute and a half, ensuring that the only power weapon on the map is not abused. However, the one thing I must warn you for those who hate them; there are plenty of grenades on this map. The original Trunk had plenty of grenades and I wanted to keep them to give the map some unique gameplay. However, don't expect to get abused; stickies won't occur very often, as there is a 2:1 expected ratio between the amount of frags and plasmas on the map. The camo gives people an excuse to come further down instead of staying on the top of the map, but doesn't spawn often enough for everyone to start camping down in its depths.


    The loadout screen.


    The Top Floor. Note where I added the Magnums and Plasma Pistols on top of the columns. You can also see the Spiker sticking out behind the column nearby on the bottom right. The Needler will spawn in the middle of the teleporter frame in the center of the floor. When the map is fully complete, a Hill will also spawn here.


    The Teleporter. There are two of them, both leading to the next floor down. They are located conveniently within the sight of both bases, and the way cover is set up it guarantees that the teleporters are the first thing that people head towards unless they are heading for the hill or a specific objective. The Teleporters have been designed so people can't camp behind them, so don't worry if you think that someone's going to pop up and attack you from behind...unless someone gets creative and tries something I didn't think of...


    Teleporter exits and the second floor. In the original map, the only teleporter that led down to the bottom often was the subject of severe camping and shenanigans like that. It was originally in a corner tunnel, adding to the mayhem that already existed in the map's structure. The new design keeps to the teleporter feel while eliminating the camping ability. A straight drop is all that is needed to continue on, and the other teleporter tunnel can be navigated easily by jump. The gravity lifts are a bit of a problem at the moment, but I'm sure with fixing I can find a means to incorporate their use in getting to the teleporter rooms properly and leave room to move around. Another hill will be found here when the map is complete.


    The "stairs" going up. The original Trunk required the player to circumvent the entire map in order to reach the top. Though adding the stairs keeps to the original design, they tend to be a problem as the map becomes especially cramped. I'll probably fix this over time in a second version, but until then for the time being it serves its purpose. Getting to the bottom, on the other hand, isn't much of a problem; you just have to jump right down.


    The Final Floor. This is where you can find the assault rifles, the plasma repeaters, some more pistols and grenades. This is also where the flags will spawn when the map's complete, and where the camo spawns in the middle of this structure. The bottom is significantly wider than the rest of the map but still incorporates the close quarters of the rest of the map. The final hill can be found on the bottom of this map.


    The entire structure overlooking the window for blue base. All in all, Trunk is my brain child. It's not a complete map, but with only 3000 credits used on building the whole thing, it's my cheapest thus far and there's lots of room for improvement. I'm going to be steadily working on it and fine tuning it as I learn more and more about how to deal with adding objectives in Forge...thankfully I've got some stuff that should work for that, but until I finish it this is the release I shall set loose upon the public.

    Though there's no gametype for this map (it works so far on regular slayer), I don't reccomend using the Jetpack powerup. It will only cause problems and is likely highly overpowered when used in the close confines of this map. When I get done, I'll make my own gametype for the whole map, but until then this is what I recommend you doing if you ever play...

    Don't use Jetpack or Armor Lock. Both are severely overpowered on this map. Camo can become pretty abused too, but since I was playing against both of my brothers when I tested this map's gameplay I can assume that it can be safe to be used on this map to one's hearts content. However, you guaranteed shouldn't try using is essentially useless here.

    Trunk is currently home to two easter eggs. I won't tell you where you are; if you want to find them, download for yourself and take a look around. Since the budget on this map is still relatively large, I'll guaranteed add more in the future, some of which can be easily seen. Until then, I guess this is it. Until next time, me out!
  2. iTz Kneecap eH

    iTz Kneecap eH Ancient
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    Nice looking map, I think there is a lot of room for improvement though. I see in the pictures there is a lot of small arms weapons (plasma pistol 2x, magnum 3x, and spiker 2x which I count as a small arms) with some of them all placed in the same room. I read your walls of text and you said somewhere that you can't use Armour Lock, Jet Pack, Active Camo, and Sprint isn't the best either. You might as well play classic slayer with no sprint. Right? Well it seems like it could be fun with a small group of people and I'm kind of curious about the easter egg so I'm gonna dl and check it out.

    If you ever want to play it I'll be willing to have a few games. (unless I'm in a matchmaking game, then I would join when it's finished) Gamer tag is under my name in white if you want to add me.
  3. KerianH

    KerianH Forerunner

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    to iTz Kneecap eH - Yeah, the map probably would work best on classic slayer. However, using Active Camo on it causes for some interesting gameplay. It was hilarious watching my brother pass me a lot while trying to find me, resulting in getting a sticky to the face.

    Small arms should work relatively well on this map, mostly because a lot of the weapons can be potentially overpowering. In the original Trunk I tried adding a shotgun...a horrible mistake. People kept fighting for it and whoever had it would camp and pick people off one by one. In the end, I ended up switching it with a mauler; a weapon that would rely on a bit more skill in order for it to have the same effectiveness as a shotgun. Though the change resulted in better gameplay, it still wasn't a good idea. Now that I fixed it up on Reach, I thought very carefully about how the weapons would play out and decided to restrict it to mostly small arms weaponry, with grenades, a couple of basic weapons like the Assault Rifle and Plasma Repeater, and the Needler as a power weapon...In the end though, it still needs improvement.

    The first easter egg is easy to find. Just keep an eye out for it. The other one, however, you'll have to find in Forge. You can only hear the background sounds of it on the map, but it should be relatively easy to find...

    Maybe in the future I'll think about adding you, though I'm going to be rather busy. I'll be sure to look you up on Live though when I have the chance...
  4. iTz Kneecap eH

    iTz Kneecap eH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I forged through the level and walked around a bit, found out the map is very small. I would say four people would be the the highest amount of people unless you want it to be a cluster-f**k. I like how you have the bottom level made with rocks in it, for some reason I liked that a lot even though it's very common in maps. Wonder why...

    Oh yeah, I found both of the easter eggs, the first one I saw it just my finding out how to jump up so I could get it in view. I laughed because it was unexpected and it was actually pretty funny the first time you see it :p
    The second easter egg is completely random and I have no idea why it is what it is.

    I would say with the money left in the budget you should expand it by making the rooms bigger, adding a couple more rooms, and even maybe making the teleporters hard to camp.
  5. KerianH

    KerianH Forerunner

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    The idea for the second one came from a video I watched. The Warthog was originally supposed to be a crate, but the crate disappeared and me and my brother decided to do antics on the warthog instead. If you fire the Focus Rifle at it from one side you'll get a rather interesting surprise...

    I'll be sure to try doing that. Trunk does need a lot of improvement overall. The whole design of the original Trunk was small for the sake of the fact that it was designed for use outside of Xbox Live, so that people wouldn't have to constantly be searching for each other during Custom Games on some of the bigger maps like Valhalla or Standoff.

    I liked how I used rocks too. It wasn't in the original design but to save pieces I decided to use them and it turned out pretty well. I'll be keeping them in Version 2. I'm already thinking of was to expand the map so that it looks cool but still keeps its smallish design. Who knows...maybe it'll give me an excuse to add better weapons...

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