In this game are many fake Elites (Elites controlled by the AI). They can't kill the Spartans, the Spartans can't kill them. But this doesn´t stop them from shooting on you. And there are also real Elites (Elites controlled by a players). Their job is to hide in the group of the fake Elites and kill the Spartans. To do this everybody in the game has to set his primary and secondary armor color to blue, and his Elite armor to Minor. Otherwise everybody will see the difference between the real and fake Elites. the Spartans job is to find the real Elites and kill them, before they get killed. The Spartans don´t have unlimited ammo, so they can't just shoot to every Elite. and melee doesn´t do damage. The Spartans win if they survive for 3 minutes, and the Elites win if the Spartans are all dead in 3 minutes. The sides will switch 2 times. Settings Skulls: Red Drop ships: Disabled Squad selection order: Ordered Wave limit: No limit Turn count: Two each Time limit: 3 minutes Generators: Disabled Hazards: Disabled Weapon drops: Disabled Ammo crates: Disabled Respawn time: 3 minutes Starting lives: None Maximum extra lives: None Elite kill bonus: No bonus Elite spawn time: 20 seconds Elite starting lives: Unlimited Friendly fire: Disabled Betrayal booting: Disabled Map: Courtyard or holdout Players: 2-4[FONT="] [/FONT]
This is an incredibly fun and innovative gametype that I wish would get noticed more. It's so much fun as an elite running around the spartans and they don't know who is who! What are some good maps for this? I've only played courtyard so far.
Like "clue" for firefight but with only 1 honor rule Edit:Could make it quickly skip to bonus round then have Heaps! of elites just a idea.
This looks completely awesome I can't wait to test it with my friends, as for the gametype it is very original and a great Idea
It is a good idea, but it will take like 10 minutes for 1 bonus round of 2 minutes, and that isn't worth it. This game isn´t modded, but why should it?
Wow! This is great! This is really what I was hoping to see. Someone is taking advantage of the customization of Firefight. And you made it a sort of mini-game, to boot! You, sir, are a master. I definitely respect you and I'm definitely downloading this.
Thank you, i'm working on other firefight games like this. Like a game where Spartans have to kill Grunts without getting seen by the Elites. And a game where Spartans have 3 minutes to kill as many Covenant as possible while the Elites are trying to irritate the Spartans.
What rock have you been under? OT: definitely gonna download that. it looks fun. still, couldn't one of the spartans quickly go and see what elite isn't in the pack of elites at the beggining?
The AI Elites spawn 4 seconds after the players have spawned, the Spartans can never go to the Elite spawn in 4 seconds. And the only thing the Elites have to do is standing by a group of AI Elites.
OMG! It's Were's Waldo for Reach!!! Now more seriously, you have my DL I'll grab some friends and play tonight. Looks pretty fun.
Wow, this sounds like a lot of fun. I am excited to see a gametype so original and far removed from the original concept of firefight. I will certainly give this a shot!
You can remove that honour rule by changing the settings to an elite setting that spawns many different kinds of elites. I forgot what it was called but play around with the settings and you should find it.
This is a brilliant idea, really innovative! DLing... How about the elites have grav hammers, but can't cause any damage?
There are no setting from chancing an AI's colors, so you need the rule. If i gave the Elites a gravity hammer they would be find in less than 3 sec, because there are no AI Elites with a gratify hammer.
Just played it a few days ago and, Congratz yo have made me and a few friends actually re-think about playing instead of ranking up effortlessly