'Kay, so I made my first sig for ForgeHub. It's rather simple, but since I'm a beginner I took a reasonable time making it. I made it using GIMP. Tell me what you guys think about it and any advice or feedback would be appreciated for my next sig. Thanks I just made another one. Here's the original:
Too blur on the reach symbol IMO and the reflection of it doesnt look too good, I'd just remove the blur on that
Background is to busy. knock the opacity down (so its faded) also the blue border is VERY vibrant compared to the rest of the pic. your border shoundnt be the vocal point try changing the border pixel to like 2-3px wide. also sigs usually look better when they are long and skinny. i assume yours is 500x200? mine is, i think, 500x125. try that! your name looks good though, and good job on the reflection with it! good job man keep it up
Good for a first sig. I would keep the noble icon more solid, with no (smudging?) on the edges, as it would look cleaner. The elite is too blurry, and the colors dont match the rest of the signature. I agree with schleb that the border is too eye drawing. The size of signatures is preference, however the 500x200 is not the best, rather a smaller size is better. I prefer slightly thin as schleb says, or sometimes the opposite, with it being fatter and shorter. If your sig is finished at 500x200, I would recommend reducing the size to 400x160. Finally, try working at a higher pixels per inch. Default is 72 I believe, and I set it to 300, and this allows for higher quality.
Thanks. How do I make changes to the pixels per inch in GIMP though? I know many people here make their sigs in Photoshop, but since this is a program with less features(I think) I don't know if I can do that.
hey try the helpful website to help decide which colors go with eachother. it is a very handy site, and if your new to art...it will really help you hone in a cohesive design! Color Scheme Designer 3 quick run through - pick your type of color scheme you want up in the top right corner (mono,complement,triad...etc) the darker circle is you dominate hue, the lighter circles are your secondary colors. you can move both the light circles and dark circle. if you click on "adjust scheme" you can change the brightness and saturation of the overall colors. So mess around with it to find a color scheme you like. this should really help you out. EDIT* oh since you changed your sig you might want to embed the original into this thread so other people know what we're all talking about. if you need help posting pics click [HERE]
Thanks a lot, I'll be using this page in every sig I make from now on, nice find. I also just put the original back up. There's one more question thoug, to you, schleb: What program do you use for making sigs and/or editing them? And is GIMP good enough or is there something better?
The general opinion on this forum is GIMP and Photoshop are the two best, personally, I use Photoshop, so I cannot instruct in the use of GIMP very well, however I expect the interface to be fairly similar.
never used GIMP. i use photoshop because there are MOUNTAINS, of material to use to get the right effects and what not. and also i actually dont have a lot of background in making sigs. i am a graphic design student but havent spent to much time on sigs. try finding a free version of CS4/CS5, not that i condone that and all. but my CS5 was cough*free*cough