no worries my xtremer VB map is taking the back seat to project madhouse that will be coming out this month.
I DLed the game and it is awesome! the brute definitely makes it hard to score with the fusion coils there. Great job!!
Essentially, it's (American)football, basketball, 50 meter dash, and a cohort of death sports all rolled into one game that doen't really play out like Grifball at all. It does look fun as hell, though. I really want to download it, but I'd never get enough people together to have fun playing it. If TGIF could feature this as a minigame tournament, that would be awesome, and I'd play for sure.
Well thanks for the constructive criticism Thank you! yeah i wanted scoring a goal to feel like a big accomplishment some of the best goals were between the explosions of the fusion cores..very epic you make this game sound very hard or complicated which it's not. Even though it's very tactical and many different strategies to score it never gets boring.
To Dear2kill; You, need to learn to spell, and keep from capitalization and meaningless text were you spam the thread by quoting the original post. It becomes old. To Vice; I enjoy this map. Even though this is a mini-game, it gives the player a competitive experience. Hope to see more maps from you soon =]
snakeball? just an idea. and to that guy who quoted the entire OP and left one meaningless line of text, WHY?
Viceball is awesome. If Grifball is like Halo football, Viceball is like Halo basketball. We better play more of this soon.
oh, you didn't invite me *sadface* oh well, i think it is better than grifball, but you need it to be promoted somehow.
yeah promotion is not the easiest thing I'm just happy that people are enjoying it. It initially was a game i made between making my competitive map. Only myself and a few friend would play, but eventually i got people asking for my viceball map.I decided to perfect it and post it and now more people are enjoying it.. its all i could ask for.
Oh wow, I just got to play this and it was very fun indeed. the flame grenades were a bit overpowering, but besides that, it was a whole lot of fun .
Just watched the Alley Oop clip... AWESOME. I still can't believe that worked so well. Basically instead of grabbing the ball then throwing the grav lift i threw the lift first and it shot the ball right up and i just chased after it. Oh by the way, it was a alley-oop REVERSE dunk. Beat that! Hey G043r, my spartan is more athletic than your spartan.
I havnt had a chance to play this yet =[ I hear its alot of fun. It certainly looks that way. very unique idea, outside the box thinking It could be the best thing since sliced breadz Lulz I can imagine some fun blowing people off the edge