
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Darkm2021, Dec 1, 2010.

  1. Darkm2021

    Darkm2021 Forerunner

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    Febrility is a map I made as a backup for the Forgetacular contest, but I didn't get it done in time for submission, so instead I went with my Myrmidon map (as seen in my sig). This map would also not have been accepted anyway, it's heavily inspired by Guardian, Lockout, and Ascension.

    Anyway, this map is made for 2v2 or 4v4 gametypes. I did my best to make it compatible with most of the gametypes (except Headhunter).

    I originally named the map Fever, but eventually I got a message saying "file name is inappropriate, file name has been replaced with 'BLAM!'" So I got my handy thesaurus and looked up "fever," febrility is sort of a synonym of fever.
    "febrile |ˈfebˌrīl; ˈfēˌbrīl|
    having or showing the symptoms of a fever"

    The bases are basically copies of the yellow lift room from Guardian, and the top and bottom middle are around the same-ish. The central room and the drop-down shotgun room is inspired by lockout. The central lift is an idea that I plucked from Ascension. The environmental decorations I made around the map to make it look like it was coming from the rock face or being held by a strut are inaccessible. If you try dropping down to the strut under the blue base you WILL die, so don't try it lol.

    DMR: x4
    Needle Rifle: x2
    Needler: x2
    Shotgun: x1
    Rocket Launcher: x1
    Assault Rifle: x2
    Plasma Repeater: x2


    Closeup of center building

    Inside of middle building, showing drop down hole

    Shotgun room directly under center building, accessed by dropdown hole shown above

    Bottom middle as viewed from red base

    Rockets next to the central lift (lift shoots you to top mid) bottom middle and blue base are visible in the background

    View of top middle where the central lift lands (as marked by red spartan with flaming head, if you can't find the spartan, please go get your eyes checked)

    This map is subject to updates, so if you have any requests, comments, concerns, criticism, or feedback please leave a comment and I'll see what I can do, thanks :)
    I'm going to be updating the weapon list tomorrow to include plasma repeater, plasma pistol, assault rifle, and needler.
    #1 Darkm2021, Dec 1, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2010
  2. superguh007

    superguh007 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the clean aesthetics, and the power weapons. The layout is troublesome though. The sight lines are very open on this map and I think gameplay will inevitably boil down to a DMR standoff between buildings, especially once the rockets are exhausted. I think you should look into altering the geometry of the rocket area so that players going for the rockets are threatened by other players in the rocket area, but not by players in the middle walkways.
  3. Darkm2021

    Darkm2021 Forerunner

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    I might try and find a way to make it so that you can't just shoot across the map, as to avoid base to base DMR fights. I can't really think of how I would go about doing that though

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