THEY GOT RID OF SO MUCH STUFF I LOVED. List Hornet carbine Being able to splatter with a mongoose (tried it in forge to confirm it) BR (3-round burst is cooler) Hayabusa Pallets Brute Shot Jumpseats for Scorpion Dual-Wielding SMG Weapon Holders Alpha Zombie Settings Scoring Settings ____________________________________________________________ These Are All the things I can think of at the moment. WHY BUNGIE? Anyone else agree?
They added so much I love! Jetpacks DMR Focus Rifle Emile Falcon Auto-Ghostmerging Concussion rifle Invasion Emile Useable Assault Rifle Emile more armor
I hate Bungie too. But not because they got rid of things. Spoiler But because of the fact that they don't care about their "actual" fans. By actual fans, I mean the people who buy all the Bungie and Halo stuff. They care about the people who don't even really "like" Halo, think of this as mainstream music, a song becomes popular, yeah people like it... but that is until a new different song comes out, but the fans of the song/band/singer actually like it, rather than moving on to the next thing. Bungie doesn't listen, yet in the VidOcs they say that they have listened to the fans, but they haven't, they just say it to make them look good. So, what exactly have they listened to people about? Bloom has not been removed. Double Melee still exists. Grenades are still nukes. And much,much more things they have been told to change. But the thing that I hate them about is this; No Elite playlist. There have been many updates by now, why is there not a playlist where we can be guaranteed to play as an Elite? Who cares if like only 500 people play it? Why only so few Elite armors? The answer to all of this: They don't care, All they care about is money.
I guess I miss the maps the most. I mean, I would kill to use the original Sandbox pallet on Sandbox with Forge 2.0. Same with Foundry.
See, at first at laughed at this thread, but then I read this post. And I'm kind of pissed at the ignorance of it. Grenades were reduced after the beta. Bloom isn't a bad thing, the people who complain are the people who can't use it to their advantage. Double melee isn't as fast as a melee headshot, but it is still an annoyance. Also, Bungie listened. They gave us a ****ing epic forge system, even though it's flawed, it's far better than that of Halo 3. They included firefight matchmaking. They did so much for us, and are still constantly updating. By the way, it's been like 2.5 months. Chill out, if enough people want an elite playlist, they'll give us one. They're probably too busy testing forgetacular maps (Maps which will make their way into matchmaking) and working on map packs to worry about tiny issues which aren't really issues at all, they're just differences that people complain about because it's different from halo 3.
This. Bungie shows an incredible amount of devotion to their fan base. Most of the things in that list weren't really "removed", as much as they were replaced with something very similar. Take a look at The front page is filled with things about and for the community. Just because there's something you don't like, it doesn't mean they don't care. No matter what they do, there will always be whiners; they can't please everybody. Not to mention the fact that they've already made changes based on popular demand. This kind of thing irritates me. It's okay if you don't agree with everything they do; I don't. But when people start saying they hate the company just because they don't get exactly what they want, to be frank, it makes them sound like spoiled children.
Uh. You can splatter with a mongoose. You're results are incorrect. In fact, I've done it to someone myself.
I HATE THE UNITED STATES!!!! THEY GOT RID OF SO MUCH STUFF I LOVED. List The monarchy government based on religion Being able to shout "fire" in a theater, assuming you are royalty (tried it to confirm it) Tea (tea is cooler than coffee) Taxation without representation Military rule in colonies Lining up in straight lines and shooting at each other Restriction of general freedom Red coats (uglyyyyy!) That awesome English accent Alpha Zombie Settings ____________________________________________________________ These Are All the things I can think of at the moment. WHY UNITED STATES? Anyone else agree?
Not that some of the hate points aren't valid but I'm going to lock this in essence of curbing a flame war. Apparently there is a CE remake on the way, so no worries.