Map Pack : Thunder Mad World Deadly weapons, no ecape... How can you survive in this mad world ? 2-8 players This is a tribute for 2 games. First : Quake II, because the model of the map is one of a Quake II's map. I don't really remember the exact model of this map, so I just based the construction of this. Second : Mad World (Wii), because I put the special effect (sorry I don't remember its name in english x_x ). This is a little symetrical map, I will not take more time and show you the pictures ! Pictures : Base : Interior Base : Exterior Bridge Rocket Launcher / Neutral Flag / Ball / Neutral Bomb spawn As you saw, this is a close map, make for close quarter combat, so now, I will offer to you, some weapons ! Weapons : Rocet Launcher (x1) : 180 s Sniper Rifle (x2) : 160 s DMR (x2) : 30 s Needle Rifle (x2) : 45 s Plasma Pistol (x2) : 30 s Grenade Launcher (x2) : 45 s Shotgun (x2) : 120 s Plasma Grenade (x4) : 10 s Download : _____________________________________________ Lockdown Locked down, everyone is the killed AND the killer. 2-12 players This is an asymetrical map, make for combat with precision weapons. We have a lot of line without object to hide anyone. This is a field for ProSniper ! Pictures : Blue Team Spawn / Sniper Spawn Row : Rocket Spawn Alley (1st view) Red Team Spawn Alley (2nd view) Cour Weapons : Rocket Launcher (x1) : 180 s Sniper Rifle (x1) : 160 s DMR (x2) : 30 s Needle Rifle (x2) : 45 s Plasma Repeater (x1) : 30 s Plasma Pistol (x1) : 30 s Needler (x2) : 45 s Shotgun (x1) : 120 s Gravity Hammer (x1) : 60 s Plasma Grenade (x4) : 10 s Download : _____________________________________________ Echoes In this abandonned station, echoes of ancient fights can be heared. 2-12 players Maybe this is the map I prefer in this map Pack, Echoes is a symetrical map which could remind you Cairo Station of Halo 2. That's just because I based this map on a part of Halo 2's first level. It makes with three level. The under level where you'll find the Plasma Sword, and the two others which are "fusioned". I'm very bad in english so I think I just show you the pictures, you know =') Pictures : The Map in exterior Team Spawn (1st view) Team Spawn (2nd view) Principal Room Sniper Rifle spawn / Up Level Principal Room / Rocket Launcher Spawn Under Level / Sword Spawn Weapons : Rocket Launcher (x1) : 180 s Sniper Rifle (x2) : 160 s DMR (x4) : 30 s Needle Rifle (x2) : 45 s Plasma Repeater (x1) : 30 s Needler (x2) : 45 s Plasma Sword (x1) : 90 s Plasma Grenade (x8) : 10 s Download : _____________________________________________ So ! I hope this first map Pack enjoy you and will offer to you some great custom games ! I'm waiting for your comments, thanks a lot for reading ! I will soon make a 2nd map Pack called Storm, with Invasion Map. Oh, and sorry again for my bad english, guys...
That map might actually be playable with the Pen and Ink effect on. If it is, then you've performed a difficult feat. I'll check it out when I get home.
I disagree with Negrumir. I recommend removing the Pen and Ink, and in the future, avoid FX altogether. The only FX that can actually "work" on maps would be FX like Juicy and Next Generation. Purple is even okay in most circumstances. I strongly believe that Pen and Ink would be a detriment to any map. I am impressed with Lockdown, it looks like a good solid map to play on, but I'd suggest adding railings so that players will not fall into the water by accident. If you think that would change line of sight, then just lower the railings so that when you crouch they won't save you. You're call though.
Lockdown has several long LoS (Lines of Sight). While that might not necessarily be a bad thing, you seem to have a lot of them coming from every damned direction. People seem to be too easy to kill, causing player movement to suffer. Also, the only cover on the sides of the map are pillars that are a ways away from the main player paths. Long story short, that means that a dedicated team can control that area for a long time with very little effort. Also, in Echoes, you have a lot (two+) of power weapons for each team with direct LoS to each other. This is usually bad, as it beccomes impossible to get a weapon that was meant for you team without taking serious fire from the enemy. If the enemy kills you just as you're about to grab the sniper, you're team will not get it back due to the long LoS the enemy's sniper has towards your sniper spawn. Oh, and please remove any overserious effects from your first map.
Okay guys. If you have tried Mad World with 7 friends, maybe I remove the FX. I played on Mad World with some friends and I just say you : That's not a bad thing. Why ? It rend the fight more violent and make Invisibility more effective but the map is really little and help you to know where is the invisible guy. About Lockdown : All precision weapons are in the other side of the map, but Shotgun and Rocket Launcher are in the large "room". If you don't play with your teamates, maybe you will have some difficulty to attack the large "room". But if you are organized, you will be sure that you can take this side very easly. The top of this side don't protect enough to survive if there's attack into right and left sides. And at least, about Echoes. The Sniper can maybe shoot every people who come from the principal room, but if you up to the second level or if you go to the under level, you will attack quickly the plasma cannon and Sniper. You know... these map have been worked a long time, I drew it and think about weapon's positions and a lot of things to make a map very equilibrated (I hav some doubt about this word =') ). So, comment, okay, but play these map before critize, cause I had a lot of good comments in another forum and the guys played it before they comment. Thanks a lot and one more time, sorry for kill english language...