in a hand to hand combat battle. no weapons. who would win. the chief. or the arbiter. talk about why you think they would win. o and no shields are up. edit: for some reason polls havent been working so for now just deal
Master Chief, because an Elite that doesn't have shields probably wouldn't survive a punch from 1000 pound MJOLNIR armor.
i would have to go with arby becuse he would see more agile,faster, and just bigger. ive generated fights in my mind and he would seen to win
Arbiter. MC may be a super-human Spartan II, but that strength is usually only used to sustain his armor. Elites on the other hand, are superior to Spartans in terms of raw power. Arby wins.
I'd kinda lean towards MC. If we look at regular Spartans and Elites, we've seen single Spartans kill multiple elites with minor trouble. The best example is Noble Team. Spartans that killed as many elites as they pleased.
Your thinking of the games, but if you read the books, you'd realize how hard it is . Master Chief almost died taking down one Elite, and that wasn't even the Arbiter.
In other words, Think Halo 3, but on Legendary, with the Mythic and Famine Skull and Tough Luck. Also, a beefed up Iron Skull that caused your game disk to detonate when you died.
The arbiter! I hate how they portrayed elites in campaign. They really should have made them less frequent and MUCH more powerful.
Really? I always thought that was the arbiter. I may be wrong but im gonna go check. and i dont remember chief killing him.
Everyone who votes Arby is a traitor to the human race! Of course I vote MC! I am human and I vote for them even if they lose duh! Someone said to ignore the games and pay attention to the books. This = lame. The games are what started this whole Halo thing so to me they are more weighted than the books. Heroic is how Halo is meant to be played = how the universe is designed to exist. That is how tough Elites are. Chief had issues with some Elites in stories being very strong but some Spartans sucked compared to others too so it makes sense. Master Chief destroyed the covenant onslaught mkay. Deal with it you alien lovers. P.S. THe only reason the Arbiter from Halo 2/3 is cool is because Keith David voices the character.
First Strike, read it. Actually, they only made it that way so it's fun to play. The books don't have to be fun to play, so they can actually do what they want, canon wise. If you pay attention to Halo canon, you can tell that Bungie pays very little attention to it in the games, as evidenced by the many story flaws in Reach.
First Strike, read it.<--- quote srry i messed up already did. anyway I forgot to say I think chief would win
Well first of all noble team is invincible, second its usually like 5 spartans versus one elite. Also Arbiter is more intelligent like most elites and is powerful without armor while MC is substantially less powerful without the armor.