all of my friends only play cod can anyone add me that pretty much only plays custom or forge games. XLB-JacobJones23242
Play matchmaking and find people there. In halo 3 i found a few friendly guys and now they're my friends and we go on matchmaking and other stuff.
People are always looking for map testers in here - check the preview threads and volunteer for some test sessions. If they like you and you're friendly and give good feedback, you'll probably end up invited into more games. I've tripled my friends list just in the last month from doing ForgeHub tests of maps by myself and others.
I would recommend that you also take a look at this, members have posted some useful advice in there for finding your own place amongst the community along with just getting yourself known out there.
Angel of Grief is right, there is a lot of good advice here in this thread. Which mind you I started when I was in a really bad frame of mind. So ignore the first post for the most part. Pretty much everything else in there is worthwhile though.