A tear for the Spartan Laser

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by xXPhilyBluntsXx, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. xXPhilyBluntsXx

    xXPhilyBluntsXx Forerunner

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    All in all I'm pretty happy with reach Ive been playing my little heart out to earn every last credit that I can. The game play is quite fun and fast paced all in all its a great game. The one complaint that I do have concerns the spartan laser. I remember fondly back to halo 3 when holding the spartan laser made me feel like a god amongst spartans raining red lights of death upon all that opposed me. I was very disconcerted to find that they nerfed the spartan laser's capabilities in reach. It seems like they removed nearly all the splash damage and furthermore you will not find it in any team slayer or free for all playlist. I miss the days of terrorizing my fellow spartans on valhalla and construct god those were some good times. The Spartan seems only to be effective against vehicles anymore. Anyways feel free to wail away in this thread if you miss the spartan laser as well.

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    What I am getting at is this will never be possible again....

    YouTube - firing my lazer
    #1 xXPhilyBluntsXx, Nov 30, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
  2. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, I get what you're saying. I also hate how they actually made it a balanced weapon that requires skill and true aim to use, rather than the easy all-killer it was in Halo 3.


    Besdes, from what I can tell all the things what's-his-face did in the video are still possible. It still has the exact same charge time and damage, but lacks (almost) any splash damage and has a thinner beam. It's a skill-based Spartan Laser. Who would've figured?
    #2 Hogframe, Nov 30, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
  3. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    In a typical game of Team Slayer on Valhalla this would happen:
    Friend One-"I got snipes!"
    Friend Two and Three-"We Got Warthog!"
    Me-"Awesome! That leaves lazor for me!"

    Sadly, this is no more. Dude I totally get where you're getting at.
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Yeah I agree with most of your post, I'm glad that they lowered it to 4 shots and made the beam thinner but the splash damage is missed. I do like how far back you go flying though if the laser hits you :)

    I'm so happy that the laser's on default breakpoint.
  5. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
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    I know right, it needs to be used more, IT NEEDS to replace the Sniper Rifle, the Splazer was a good Anti-Vehicle weapon and it still is, there is NO reason with all the Anti Vehicle weapons in Reach that the Sniper Rifle needs to tear apart vehicles like that, plus it just more satisfying to Laser a Banshee out of the sky than it is to Sniper Rifle it.
  6. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I hate how the sniper outdoes it, The spartan laser was meant to be a sniper for vehicles and there isn't much need for that when the actual sniper can blow up vehicles just as good and sniper also kill infantry a lot better and has more ammo.

    IMO Sniper shouldn't be able to blow up vehicles and spartan laser should be on more vehicle maps to compensate. But that's not happen so just gotta deal with it.
    #6 WWWilliam, Dec 1, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2010
  7. xXPhilyBluntsXx

    xXPhilyBluntsXx Forerunner

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    Yeah I was pretty estatic to find the laser on breakpoint and have been rapping face with it all night. Im learning love it again, slightly annoying however that you cant even get a laserspree off one laser unless the other team is retarded and rolls more than one or two deep in a vehicle. Im not a fan of the drag shot either really messes with you on close range battles due to straffing. But Im sure I'll get used to it all, just will never be the same as halo 3. *sad face*

    Edited by merge:

    And for your other comments The Spartan Laser would have balanced hemorage out more and made btb on that map suck alot less since there are so many damned vehicles there anyways.

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    and to Harris there the spartan laser was already a well balanced weapon. The spartan laser had very limited zoom, about a 4 second charge rate, and only 5 shots. The sniper on the other hand had 12 rounds each capable of a one shot kill even if you dont get headshots its still a two shot kill weapon. While the spartan had a charge rate the sniper could be fired rapidly. The sniper also sported an extended zoom allowing you to kill effectively from one end of the map to the other as long as your view wasnt obstructed. So what bungie did was make a weapon that took a great deal of skill anyways to use effectively and dumbed it down while making the sniper riffle noob friendly I mean common my grandmother could probably noscope people in reach.
    #7 xXPhilyBluntsXx, Dec 1, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2010
  8. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I'm not sure how a harder-to-use splaser is "dumbed down." The correct term would be nerfed, although I don't even think it's that bad. If you were a good shot with it, the splash damage was basically meaningless, and that's the only real change.

    As for the sniper, am I missing something? Doesn't it take like 4+ shots to blow up any undamaged vehicle? That's not something I'm really wanting to waste my sniper rounds to accomplish. And it's a huge caliber rifle, it OUGHT to do some damage to vehicles. If not blow them up so fast, at least punch huge, visible holes through them and start them to smoking and acting a little weird.
  9. RodziR

    RodziR Forerunner

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    No, it takes 5 to mongoose and 7 to warthog.
  10. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    That's what I mean, it takes a pretty good number of shots to do the job. Who wants to use more than half the ammo in their sniper to take out one hog (and that's assuming you don't miss)?
  11. xXPhilyBluntsXx

    xXPhilyBluntsXx Forerunner

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    Yeah I sures the hell wouldnt. I dont mind the lost splash damage near as much as the one less shot and the new drag shot.
  12. Slamm Andrews

    Slamm Andrews Forerunner

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    In my opinion, it is best use to engage revenants and banshees. And you don't use sniper rounds on healthy vehicles either. You wait until the team has battered them up a bit and then plug that annoying Banshee when it shows up on Paradiso expecting to be able to run from DMRs. The second you see those plasma-flames leaking, you take the shot.
  13. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    You can't be serious. There is no feasible way that anybody could actually miss the Halo 3 Spartan Laser when it literally made vehicular combat near impossible on all the maps that contained it. In fact, it still is really powerful now, albeit a lot more balanced than before (I'd even go as far to say that it's more balanced than the Sniper Rifle.)
  14. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Vehicle combat is just harder, I've been shot down in a Banshee by a Sniper Rifle too many times already.
  15. TCD

    TCD Forerunner

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    I HATE YOU BUNGIE!!!!!!!! LAZER WAS MAH FAVOURITE WEAPON!!! Id be like IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZOR!!!! and boom I get a triple kill cuz i killz warthog. Or BOOM!!!! Like extermination on a scorpion. I hate how theres no jumpseats on the scorpion. Bungie, you screwed up alot of stuff in reach!
  16. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    agree with this. sandtrap was much more enjoyable in customs with no laser.
  17. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Who want's to use half there spartan laser ammo to kill a vehicle, In killing vehicles the sniper is still more ammo efficient.

    Sometimes spartan laser doesn't kill in one shot and the least amount of ammo you can use is 1/4 then doesnt kill takes 1/2 ammo as long as you don't miss then could take 3/4 just one vehicle.

    Sniper has longer range more precise aim to shoot though tiny gaps etc, But to be honest how often do you see a full health vehicle in Reach (at start of game basically,because vehicles don't heal) so many times people use damaged vehicles because only thing available.

    Also when sniping a vehicle you have a chance to hit the people driving or shooting in a possible 1 hit kill (i dunno if that's possible with laser) but still thats more ammo efficient.

    Honestly if you seen a sniper and a laser appear in front of you and you could only pic up one 99% people would pick sniper more ammo efficient in everything longer range more stealth more accurate, (1% people just like the laser :p)

    Also if you seen a vehicle spawn killing everyone your up on a hill you wouldn't shoot it D:? It may seem like waste of ammo that could get you 2-5 more kills but saves the other team getting 20+more kills
    #17 WWWilliam, Dec 1, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2010
  18. xXPhilyBluntsXx

    xXPhilyBluntsXx Forerunner

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    precisely my point william in order to kill a wraith or scorpion with a spartan laser you have place two shots in a critical place on that vehicle to kill it that is already half of your clip used on one vehicle. Thats what happened when bungie removed the spartan from many of its maps and reduced its cababillity, you get hemmorage that most players hate with an undying passion.

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