Ghost Town 2

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by eL MuSTaCio, Dec 1, 2010.

  1. eL MuSTaCio

    eL MuSTaCio Forerunner

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    Hello everyone,

    This map is an upgraded version of our old map Ghost Town
    The map was downloaded by a lot of people and we thought we could improve some thing.
    And so we did. Here is our upgraded version of Ghost Town called Ghost Town 2

    The game is very simple:
    There are humans(infected) and there are Ghosts(not infected).
    The humans need to kill all of the ghosts and the ghost need to kill the humans as much as they can.
    The humans have a shotgun and a pistol. they can only die by an assassination.
    They have unlimited lives and are marked wit an arrow.
    The ghost have an plasma pistol and they are fast and invisible (good camo). They have to assassinate the humans to get as much points as they can. The only problem is that they die almost instantly by a bullet. if they are almost out of health, there are medical packages across the map.

    These are the basisc of the game. Now we have made 3 game modes:

    Ghostbusters Running (easy for the humans, hard for the ghosts)
    The ghosts can't jump high and can only run very fast but they are now easy to be spotted and have to be very carefully.

    Ghostbusters Jumping (normal for both)
    The ghosts can now jump very high but they can't jump far and if they jump to escape they can be shot out of the sky.

    Ghostbusters Flying (hard for the humans, easy for the ghosts)
    The ghosts can jump high and far. If they want to get away it is no problem. The humans will have an hard time.

    This is our game, here are some pictures:


    #1 eL MuSTaCio, Dec 1, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2010
  2. v0ltecpr0

    v0ltecpr0 Forerunner

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    1. Post some freaking pictures
    2. ffs how much more threads do u wanna post
    3. read the RULES

    .... posting this much is rlly rude ..
  3. eL MuSTaCio

    eL MuSTaCio Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    1. I did but it failed
    2. Forgehub gave some error reports and i thought the post failed but it worked and now I'm trying to delete them but i don't know how
    3. I've read the rules
  4. TXTCLA55

    TXTCLA55 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Dont be an ass dude, when i did my first post some one actually told me this nicely instead of acting like a jerk.
    #4 TXTCLA55, Dec 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2010
  5. eL MuSTaCio

    eL MuSTaCio Forerunner

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    Thanks man,
    I just made some mistakes that I've now fixed. the thread work fine now and I hope al lot of people enjoy my updated map!
  6. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    "For the record, douchebaggery is a reportable offense."

    As for the Ghost Town map itself, I've never really been a big fan of the whole system. The Ghosts usually just stay on a rooftop all day and don't move. This will make them win, but at the cost of any enjoyment. Have you ever thought about making the Zombies the Ghost? This will cause players to want to try and assasinate more often, as they aren't taking as huge of a risk.

    The downside would be that instead of having to play smart to survive, the Ghosts could just keep bum rushing the Humans and hope for a lucky Assassination. You can counteract this by setting respawn times to 10 seconds or so. Also, try and elminate any corners that have a ceiling above them.
    #6 Hogframe, Dec 1, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2010
  7. eL MuSTaCio

    eL MuSTaCio Forerunner

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    I'm sorry but the problem is that i can't change it because there's 0$ left.
    The game is good because if you kill an human you get a kill point. And the one with the most points wins. So everyone wants to assasinate! That is the motivation to kill the humans. I've played an tested it a lot, and believe me it works. The most who are ghosts want to kill the humans for points, of course you have some *****'s. but this isn't a matchmaking game and if you don't like the people just kick them. if you want this game to work just play it with some friends, who all want to play ithe game fair and want to have fun.

    in other words: the game will never be perfect (no one can make this perfect till the limit of walls etc. and money is lifted)
    But it will work if you and your friend want to play fair.
    #7 eL MuSTaCio, Dec 2, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2010
  8. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    I deleted your duplicate thread. You can only post your map ONCE and in ONE category only. I moved this to casual because it is and always has been a casual game.

    Double posting your map in two separate categories again will get you an infraction.
  9. eL MuSTaCio

    eL MuSTaCio Forerunner

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    I've fixed the bug in the gametypes

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