Alright, let's see if I'm doing this right. I'm not at my 360 right now so if anyone wants to know how many and where are the weapon spawns, they'll have to wait. I started this map for two reasons. 1. so I could see if I could use the Grid in a meaningful way. and 2. because I haven't seen anyone build a map in this spot on forge world. It looks my mission is accomplished. Anyway, this map has a lot of different levels to it, jetpack fans should be right at home. This is also my entry into Bungie's Forgetacular contest under team slayer. It's set up for nearly all modes in case anyone really wants to play them. CTF and assault probably won't be so good as the map has very, very short travel times from one end to the other. Stockpile, headhunter, oddball, all that good stuff should be fine on this map. Here's a view from the top, in the back. The blue "base" is one the right and the red "base" is in the upper left. You'll notice an energy sword just to the right of the red light. That sword is actually an equal distance from both start points. (Well, roughly an equal distance) This shot is from above the red base and a little toward the cliff. The platform in the bottom right of the picture can be accessed via a mancannon in the red base. Near the left side of the pic you may notice a treetop with sandbags around it. That is actually the shotgun spawn, it was sort of gonna be a hunters stand or whatever. There's even a camping stool out there. It's very vulnerable though. On the right side of the pic about halfway down, where the ramp meets the cliff is the rocket launcher spawn. This shot is from under the blue base looking toward the red base. You may notice the rocket launcher on the left hand side of the pic. Unpictured (for now) are two grenade launcher spawns sitting on boxes at each end of the bottom floor of the map. They have a bit less ammo than usual to make up for there being two of them. There's also a focus rifle in a mini cave that's on the bottom floor up against the cliff. It'll probably not be very useful on this map but I didn't want power weapons dominating the whole time. Anyway, thanks for looking. Leave a comment if you think this is trash or decent or amazing. Heck, just leave a comment with any thoughts on the map. Here's a link to an unrendered video if anyone cares. Once i get a capture card I'll make a proper video and link it here. (I don't want to bother getting it rendered by Bungie. lol) : Halo Reach : File Details This is a shot from underneath the red base. Just out of the bottom left of the shot (you can see a blue glow) is a mancannon that leads to the red base. Inside of the large walkway cover that's tilted vertically is another mancannon that takes you to the top, right between the bases. Blocked by the large walkway cover and at the far end of the shot is yet another mancannon that leads to the blue base. Here's a pics showing the bottom level pf the map. On the left you'll see a box on which is placed on of the grenade launchers. In the middle of the pic is the small cave with the focus rifle spawn. Here's two pics from outside the map. You'll never be able to get out as it's totally enclosed. If you do managed to get out without editing it then the game screwed up and it's not my fault. Just some action shots for your enjoyment.
while ive seen infection maps here, no slayer yet so you're the first! looks great from the pics, the trees make this fit in without have the surroundings look dull like in the Vanilla map
I wasn't really aiming to incorporate the trees for the sake of it. I actually like the way Vanilla added them in. It's nice that the trees fit in without me having to alter anything to fit their inclusion. Also updated the original post with more pics.
The single best use of the grid to date! I have played on this map a good amount and it is quite fun for team slayer. A very non symmetrical map with lots of verticality. Be wary of your radar playing tricks here. Worth the DL and Like on B.Net!
While that was a problem in the earlier versions. It seems non-existent now. I'm sure people could camp up there if they tried pretty hard but it wouldn't benefit them very much. Only the sword and shotgun are at the top of the map. The shotgun is really one level below the top. The rockets, Focus Rifle and both grenade launchers are near the bottom of the map. I placed a neutral, weak respawn zone that covers the bottom half of the map to help get people to respawn down there more frequently. This would be helpful if most of or an entire team were camping up top. Should you kill one of them (not a difficult task given that the top level isn't loaded with cover and has multiple access points) he will likely respawn lower and would take him a bit longer to resume his camping. You can watch the video and see that no one spot on the map was ever camped like crazy. Thanks for the comments guys.
I can vouch for this maps' anti- camping measures. The design simply doesn't allow it. I have been a tester for Negrumir and you gotta keep moving to stay in the action. Sure you can hide places but you'll be at the bottom of the scoreboard.
Nice grid work! And a very handy way to block off sections of the map. I cannot wait to give this a try. I like reading talk about how spawns and anti camping strategies work. It makes me glad forgers know good gameplay values and I am excited to get a few games in on this. -Slamm
Through the first five matches I played on here, I did not even notice the crow's nest with the shotgun. When I just so happened to land on it, I was quite surprised to find a shotgun there. Still, had a lot of fun testing this one.
I really love how you used the grids here. They usually never look good on a map at large scale - typically they only look good when a huge portion of them is hidden. This is a definite download, I can't wait to play this with a few people.