An infection map, based on the colony from Aliens. This map features basic interlocking and S&Q techniques if you want to forge it. Aliens move at 150% speed and have normal shield but it doesn't regen. LMS gets 2x overshield, doesn't regen either, and a 10% speed boost. Aliens have a 75 meter radar range, humans have normal. A view of a small shed (which may or may not contain some useful goodies) and the APC (a gauss hog) The sentry gun, Aliens will die if they run down the hallway but the Sentry can't cover the giant vent running across the map. "We've got 2 pulse rifles with a few grenade launchers, one working flamethrower, that ain't good" Weapons now hidden around the map, as well as the mines. The grav lift is your "welder" which can be placed in the giant vent, but you have to venture in some to get the best use of it. The start room still contains the shotgun and welder though. This room isn't as safe as it appears. If you want that launcher you have to wonder into alien territory. Inside the giant vent is a "smart gun" but it's far in, worth the risk? it's up to you. A hiding room in the complex, also shows some of the interlocking I was talking about. "Complex 2"s generators room now contains the flamethrower. View of the lookout room which has a sniper in it. Hudson! Get that door open! SCREE!! The main vent. This is the sole reason you shouldn't use the sentry gun and is the main attraction of the map, it's a direct link from the complex (alien spawn room) to the Med Lab (human spawn room). Any alien in here can run through it and kill anyone that doesn't have back up on the sentry. The complex also has a basement though there's not much in there except a few goodies. Use with the Aliens game type which you can get here. And the map is here. Critiques welcome as well as any information you want to offer that you think is helpful.
the map looks good but i dont like the armory ( place where you keep the weapons) there all in one place and theres too many power weapons , so you need to spread the weapons out and reduce the power weapons
it says it at the top of his description. btw i really like the way the generator room looks. probably because of the interlocked fence box
Thanks and if people really want the armory changed I'll get on it, moved or completely gone? I originally had fence walls as the generator floor but you have to jump over it, so I went with the box which worked well. Not in the sses are "A" and "B" signs to the sub basements in the compound Which I will show after a tweak. I'll get to tweaking after you guys tell me how you want the weapons spread out and edit the post with updated SSes. Forgot the A & B signs but they're just aesthetic anyway. I've got an idea on where to place weapons, should make the aliens feel more authentic. Will be back in a bit with new updated non-armory version.
you used a lot of different forge techniques including the timed map events, which you really don't see the way you used it. i like it.
uh i dont like turents at the end of the hallway because its just cheap kill after cheapkill for the person in it.... and there are to many powerful weapons in one spot
Nice interlocking, I don't think your should have so many power weapons unless the aliens are super strong.
Remade as people have suggested, the first post has been edited. Aliens are wicked fast so that launcher isn't much of a help.
Looks good, appears you've put quit a lot of thought into it. I dont see it playing all that well, but who knows. And I think it may be a bit confusing if you haven't seen alien
A hiding room in the complex, also shows some of the interlocking I was talking about.- 2 corner walls and 2 normal, the 2 normal make a cross shape and the corner provide the roof. Complex 2"s generators room now contains the flamethrower.- I don't know how you can't see it but the boxes and fence boxes fused together to make one solid floor. View of the lookout room which has a sniper in it.- Window panels are easy to interlock because you don't have to save quit to do them like that while they still function like they're interlocked. Not to be flaming you or anything, just you asked what was interlocked. In fact most of the complex floor is interlocked as well as most of the roof.
I'm not into Aliens, but this map seems like it plays just fine. A nice, balanced map. You're the first mapmaker I know to have a vent, too! Great job!
Thanks, the vent evolved during the process of the map, It was originally bridges but that was too expensive and I would've ran out of bridges halfway so I interlocked some open single and double boxes. The open boxes worked better than I thought too which is always good.
I'll have to play it before saying much, but Aliens is my favourite movie (ever), so I commend you for the effort.