Suggestions on Revball 2.0 Stadium

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Wheels36, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. Wheels36

    Wheels36 Ancient
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    Forgehub has a post on the frontpage featuring 4 maps, including my Revball game! :) Looks like this game might take off.

    I am about to start construction on Splatterdome 2.0. I could use some feedback on how you would like the map changed. Is the goal the right size, needs made smaller, etc.? So far I plan the following...

    A) Make the map an elongated octagon (healthpack shaped) so that there are no hard corners for the ball to get stuck in.

    B) Fix it so that the ball drops down from the ceiling at centerfield on a return instead of shooting out above the goal. This will fix people just spamming the ball return for another quick score.

    C) I have a plan to fix it so that the ball no longer resets after 5 minutes of play. (hehe)

    D) Since this is the most frequent complaint I recieve, I am going to find a way so that the vehicles aren't on the playing field to begin with so that unmanned vehicles aren't in the way in less than 4v4 matches.

    Other suggestions welcome
  2. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Definitely make the goals a tad bit smaller, also, octagon idea is good, corners were a *****. You should strive for some better aesthetics too, they weren't bad by any means, but nothing really stood out to me aesthetically in that map.
  3. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    I would streamline the ball return. There was one time where the ball got stuck after it scored; I don't know how though. It would also be nice if it could be returned faster.
  4. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I like all your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. The corners and the ball return are especially important I think, and would greatly improve the game. Don't really agree about the aesthetics though, I thought your arena looked well-forged and clean like an athletic facility ought to.
  5. Wheels36

    Wheels36 Ancient
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    The ball return is designed to be that slow. Stockpiles zones take up to 15 seconds to score a point. The ball return is 15 seconds so that the team doesn't score another point again before a point can be counted. I have a design for a very quick ball return, but then one would have to figure out a way so that the teams could tell if the goal was ready to be scored in again. When the point is counted is not when the goal is ready, its whenever the fusion coils respawn.

    As for aesthetics, it is rather plain, but if you check the map in forge, i think i got around $45 budget left lol. The game uses 12 one way shields at $200 each, so theres 1/4 the total budget there. As someone wrote above, I have had compliments on the 'clean' look of the field, and have been told not to clutter it up.

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