*I was advised to make a new thread because of changes to the map layout, so no flaming please* Version 2 of the map is now finished. All frame rate issues have been resolved and almost every instance of z-fighting has been fixed. Along with fixing the asthetic issues, we also changed the map layout up a bit by adding a second level to the window area, but we are unsure as to whether or not we want to keep that addition. For those of you that downloaded and played the first version, we would appreciate if you could download this version as well and give us feedback on whether or not it should be included in the final version. If you have not played the first version and therefore have nothing to compare it to, you can download it here. Here are some pictures of the new map layout: From Window Side: From Sniper Side: From Ground Level: New Exit From Spawn (takes you directly to new level): New Loadout Camera: For those of you that have not seen the first version, here is the original post (with the original pictures for comparison): Crystal Summit Observatory. Taking place in a scenic observatory, this maps aesthetics are rivaled only by its competitive gameplay. A nearly symmetrical map (some variations in cover, but layout is symmetrical) with a variety of elevation, aesthetic touches, balanced weapons, and a layout that provides great competitive gameplay. The observatory supports just about every standard game type and is best with about 4 to 12 players, teams or no teams. Two bases (Red and Blue) are separated by the middle area in which most of the action will be taking place. The middle area is broken down in to a high and low elevation area. Each area has a main power weapon (rockets low, sniper high) as well many other great gameplay and aesthetic features. An additional lift that goes from the lower lobby to the back of the upper deck is provided to keep gameplay fast and fair. Spawn rooms have a variety of ways out and spawns are set up to be fair, but not campable. By A SILENT EMU Contributions by D0NT SH0OT ME __________________________________________________ ______________________ Weapon List Sniper Rifle (X1) 90 sec respawn, 1 spare clip Rocket Launcher (X1) 120 sec respawn, 1 spare clip DMR (X6) 30 sec respawn, 2 spare clips Needle Rifle (X2) 30 sec respawn, 2 spare clips Assault Rifle (X2) 30 sec respawn, 2 spare clips Magnum (X2) 30 sec respawn, 2 spare clips Plasma Pistol (X1) 45 sec respawn Plasma Grenade (X2) 30 sec respawn Frag Grenade (X2) 30 sec respawn Screenshots Lower Lobby (Rocket Spawn) Upper Deck (Sniper Spawn) Bottom Lift Blue Base Red Base Additional Screenshots _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Comment, Rate, Download, and Enjoy!
FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So i love it even more than the first one. The new ramp and second floor add a little more power to that side which a great addition. Although i loved it more, i have more concerns this time, sorry, lol. I took pics because i was having trouble describing the spots. It actually seemed easier this way, lol. 1. First is pretty much the same spot as last time, although it's much better this time. The first ramp bridge to the window second level. it seems to still get in the way just a bit. Any chance you can change that into a regular bridge angled? I think it would work better there and possibly look better too. 2. The Window doesn't look as pretty, lol. Again i think maybe if you could find something to replace this ramp bridge i think it would look better. 3.This one while playing seem to get in the way a lot. Although it does kinda seem like it belongs for appearances reasons. So i don't know, lol. 4.This seemed ok for game-play but i wasn't sure if it was supposed to be there or not cause it's not on the other side. (I wasn't sure about this, but i thought it couldn't hurt to mention, lol.) Just some food for thought. :^)
I like some of the changes but at the same time I think you killed some of what made the map unique. You added more depth to the map which is good and bad. The simplistic layout was was unique and looked nice but this might be better for gameplay. The new features also look a bit cluttered in some areas imo. The thing that concerns me the most is some of the aesthetics and color were lost in the transition. Maybe you could make a v3 or official v2 with the aestetics of the first and sort of this layout?
Well i have played about the first version lots and am looking forward to testing this new version out now.first impressions are great. The tree in picure looks amazing and fits in perfectly. I like the new additions made too. Great map
Was fun playing with you on it earlier. Still minor screen lag, but I'm sure you'll manage to work it all out by V3. Looking forward to more games in the future.
I have to agree with whats been said, it might have better gameplay but the new additions look very very awkward, especially next to some nice aesthetic touches. With some hard work and patience you could replace the ugly staircases, and either add railings to all the platforms or none at all for consistency. Lastly, you claim to have fixed the z-fighting yet the entire glass window is riddled with it, which will only increase the framerate issues. I just think you released V2 too soon, I have the same problem.
Don't worry this isn't our official v2. This is basically DSM's take on the map, I had no part in it. We're working together to make a real v2 that doesn't sacrifice it's aesthetics.
While we did fix all z-fighting we could find we did miss some (I actually just fixed the z-fighting you talked about minutes before I read your post). Anyways, as the title kind of implies (V2, maybe), this is just a possibility of what the final version of the map could look like. We published it so fast because we wanted to gather feedback on the addition to the window area in order to build a concensous on what to include in the final version of the map. And so far it has worked, it seems to be most people's opinion that it improves gameplay, but at the cost of some asthetic features. We actually are working on finding the perfect balance between maintaining the original aesthetic features while still adding the new addition as I type.
To be honest man, it really strikes me that you released a map that was still in it's beta phase. As you still have minor screen lag issues and are debating significant structural changes, not to mention haven't put much thought into the spawn system, you really jumped the gun. Its pretty, yes, but its far from done at the moment. I'm sure it will be an enjoyable map when its finished though.
I didn't originally plan to make a new thread, I intended to edit the first thread and include this post in it. When I first wanted to post this potential update A SILENT EMU was not online so I asked a moderator to help me edit the post. He suggested that I just post a new thread since the map layout had changed so that is why I have an entirely new thread. I appologize if anyone has thought differently but this was not meant to be the "official" version 2 of the map, it was meant to show off potential changes to the layout and gather feedback on them.
Crystal Summit Observatory V2 on Forge World by D0NTSH0OTME Minor Errors: Some of the things that you have sticking out unnesisarily. as you listed in the pictures. Not bad though. the circle that has the block 2 by 4's that re angled up slightly could be rough to play on. Idk how it plays bit it looks kinda rough. Impressions: First few pictures = sextastical. In the sense that they show off the maps best parts, and the tree makes it look unique and reminds me of Vanilla. Haha. The rocks on the columns are a great idea. Reminds me of something in a mall or something, idk. cover is in good spots Line of sight is blocked in most areas creating good purpose to keep moving throughout the map. The curved windows made my jaw drop. Suggestions: For blocking some of those sticking out pieces maybe try placing that same objectupside down at the same angle. idk what to say about those honestly. playtest, playtest, playtest... take out cover in spots and see how it plays without it and see if it's needed, and add in cover to see if it's needed or not needed. Just play it a lot and get noob input, forger input, good player input, and so on. Final Thoughts: Difficulty - 4/5 Creativity - 5/5 Flow - 4/5 Understanding of the map - 4/5 Entertainment - 5/5 (due to the windows.... oooooh, aaaaaah.) Playability - 4/5 Overall - 4.5/5 Good map. Played pretty well. Couldn't find many issues.