Actually first off, you are lying. I know you didn't discover this glitch, because no one discovers a major glitch, tells no one, then claims credit for it after many people no it. This wasn't discovered at the very beggining of launch, but a good while after. So please, don't think you can come in here, lie, and get awya with it.
how do you know he didn't find it i am not saying your lying but what if he did find it and is not lying?
You don't understand, there were actually various people who all found it themselves and released it as theier own. He is making it seem like he was the original and only finder, but actually there are others who just as well found it themselves. He also most likely didn't find it because he a new member here and doesn't have any proof that would make him known to be the finder. So, as for now, I will tag it as a lie.
I don't know why you could possibly be angry if you killed someone and it came out of them, I would really just laugh. And then I would be like, "K, Thanks" and thank them for the delivery, then save a clip of it
Yes but when you pick it up you can activate thepower up whenever you want,while standing on equipment, overshield invinceibility+this=cheap