This is it the final version, fixed and with a new cool ramp that provides a little more terrain. Download Snow Mice Download Cat N' Mouse Recommend amount of players: 8-16 Great if you just want to have fun! Description Snow Mice is a map variant of Cat 'N Mouse on Avalanche. The Cats (zombies) start out in the teleporter tunnels where they go through a teleporter. There are 2 cats. After 20 seconds a grav lift will spawn lifting them out of a box and letting them get into a Wraith on a floating platform. The float platform stops mice from stealing a Wraith more effectively than most Cat 'N Mouse maps. The Mice (humans) spawn in the center of the map near Mongooses. They have 20 seconds to get ready before the cats are released. Both Cats and Mice have only one life, however it is extremely hard to kill a cat because they stay in their Wraiths most of the time, and Cats vehicles can not exploded. Most Cats die on this map by accidently falling of the cliff. What you should tell people who have never played it in your party If your a cat go through the teleporter and wait for the grav lift and get in a Wraith. Don't fall of the platform (whoever only idiots fall of before they get in the Wraith)! Then shoot people. If your a mouse get on a Mongoose and drive. And of course here are the pictures The NEW ramp A cat waiting to get out A cat leaving after 20 seconds The "Cat Cage" The Mice Action Shots A mouse trying to hide, I think it may be Shock Theta Notes: Cats cannot get out before 20 seconds Cats can only fall of the floating platform deliberately. The new ramp provides some cover and takes away some of the vast openness.
It actually gets rid of that giant open feeling in that area. I mean I know it is open, but that area was just too big.
I agree, its a nice map. Dear2Kill, there was absolutely no need to quote that entire post, if your gonna say something, say it, that just seems like a huge filler and was unneeded.
If I compare the geometry of this map and Valhalla, this map comes out on top. Less restrictive for the Wraiths, but still lots of cover for the mice. Winning is not all about hiding behind the bases unlike in Valhalla. Some of that is about the original map itself, but the additions Grif made such as the man cannons, grav lifts and the ramp are good. The system that allows the cat's the collect their wraiths is very robust too. I really rather enjoy playing this with a large group. Kudos, Grif.