i'm annoyed, but I can't help but be interested. If online multiplayer on the original CE maps is coming, i will be purchasing it, even though it isn't bungie.
Ill be buying it anyway. Halo C.E was a fantastic game, no doubting that. The only people that didnt like it are the people who played it AFTER they played Halo 3. If the game just had updated graphics and nothing else, Id consider buying it. If it had Multiplayer, I wouldnt have to think about buying it, because my money would magically float into a games store and the game would magically float back to me. I cant say Im not worried, but I cant say Im not excited either.
Here's a question though. Halo CE had not a lot of multiplayer maps, certainly not enough to match up to the standards of the later games in the series or support online multiplayer. This is especially true when you consider that most people found a couple of the maps borderline worthless (I'm looking at you, Chiron and Boarding Action) or too huge to be good for anything but big team (Sidewinder). So what other maps would they add? Stuff from the PC version? Campaign level-based maps? Maybe in the ultimate example of the worm eating its tail, remake maps from later Halos the way those games remade maps from the original?
arnt we all going to buy it b/c it has the word "HALO" in it!?! lol i mean they got me good buying selling me ODST! i bought it thinking i was getting more then halo 3 again...so basically ive bought H3 twice! ha could be fun though before you quote that...i dont really play campaigns to much, not my style!
I can't wait for this to be released, and then to check the Bungie.net forums and see people posting "NOT AS GOOD AS CE" and "CE WAS THE BEST" In all seriousness, this is pretty much 343's one chance of getting a good reputation. If they make a **** CE remake, then they are going to be derided by almost everyone in gaming.
Guys, it's going to be HCE in the Reach engine so it's not going to feel or play the same at all, and you shouldn't be at all surprised if it's an ODST-style campaign extension only.
Nevertheless, it could be an incredible game, and may not definitely be made in the Reach engine. Also, if it is made in the Reach engine, many of the Reach campaign missions were a reimagining of C.E campaign missions, so my worry is that we all may have seen it before.
I played it after Halo 3 and I still loved it. I think it'd be awsome to play an updated version. They'd have to change some level designs to counter armor abilities (If I Would Of Been Your Daddy is playable with a jetpack I will never go the whole way across that bridge)
Well I think if they remake CE, having armor abilities is a bad idea. Just because it uses the Reach engine doesn't mean it will use its weapons and armor abilities and so forth. It should be close to the same game, just with newer graphics and maybe a few new features that don't detract too much from the original's feel.
I don't think this is a bad idea at all. I was just playing HCE the other day and was hoping it would be remade someday in the future. I just didn't think it would be so soon. While I love HCE, I get bored playing it sometimes. I understand it's an old game, but after playing all the other Halo games, there's not much going on. It would be cool to see them use the new engine to up the action a bit. For all those who want multiplayer on the original engine, just get Halo PC.
Halo CE is obviously a classic game and the remake would have a better engine with better graphics... but seriously. why would you re-do a story thats already been done? as for the Halo 3 sequel mentioned, that sounds like a horrible idea. the ending to Halo 3 was perfectly fine and it should STAY THAT WAY.
like the ce idea, but agree with this. halo 3 ends it, we don't need a 4. thats why reach is a prequel
What, MC drifting off in to the distant depths of space, thought to be dead by all back on Earth and saying 'wake me if you need me'? Yeah, totally not suited to a sequel.... I'd like to see a H3 sequel in terms of story continuation, as long as 343 are able to do the Halo canon justice, in gameplay terms it really depends what they do with it, but I wouldn't be against seeing it if it was done well, which is a pretty obvious pre-requisite to any sequel or even game. OP: I'd be interested to see where this goes, whether it is, as Ladnil says it could be, just a campaign extension, and how much a remake built on the Reach engine can play like CE. If it doesn't have multiplayer I really couldn't care less tbh, so I guess I'll have to wait and see.