VGL Opinos

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by VGL Brandon, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. VGL Brandon

    VGL Brandon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    VGL Opinos V1.1

    WARNING: I'm french, and I do my best. So please, don't blame me so much about my english.

    This picture resume the map: only this part of the canvas map is playable. Objects have been placed to cut the map and take only this half.​

    One the left: Platforms placed to reach the higher one.
    On the right: Gravlift wich trhow you up to the sniper spot where you can see aproximatively all the map. The first screenshot is taken from this spot, to give you an idea.​

    These gravlifts take you up to the dark pipe with a similar system like the green lift on the basic map.


    Let me introduce you an original map, because it's forged on Sword Base !
    Forged in a competitive objective, it will be used for a lot of 1 vs 1 tournaments, exploiting its small space. Also, you can train with your DMR or MAGNUM before a match or for your first game of the day, with 3 others players max. . There are 2 specifics gametypes.
    The map only use 1/4 of the canvas map, to have continuous fight when training with your friends , or have a sufficient space for head to head games. ( Screenshot n°1)
    There are three healthpacks: The fist one is up to the green lift, the second is on the left of the dark pipe, and the last is near the custom blue lift, at his basic placement.
    The map got an unic weapon, a sniper rifle ( Screenshot n°2 ). Not here at the begginning, respawn every 2 minutes and own 4 extra bullets.
    A small box and a mid-air platform are place to jump on the glass platform ( Screenshot n°2), in order to give to the player a lot of mobility.

    NB: It's useless to beat your ennemis, the gametypes have a 15% beat damage feature.

    Head to head gameplay video:

    YouTube - VGL Opinos v1.1 - 1vs1 gameplay ( Halo: Reach )

    VGL Opinos V1.1 VGL FFA V1
    #1 VGL Brandon, Nov 28, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2010
  2. I Killed Kenny

    I Killed Kenny Forerunner

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    Good job on this it is nice to see a map that isn't on forgeworld! I actually like this even though it is tiny, I miss the good only one on one days of halo where you could play split screen and not have to hunt ten minutes just to find your friend. Thanks for making an original map and I'll be giving this a download.
  3. sniperbait636

    sniperbait636 Forerunner

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    It may not be that awesome map built from scratch that's never been seen before but I think this is a great map even though you didn't make most of it a great Idea that greatly improves sword base!
  4. VGL Brandon

    VGL Brandon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks you guys for your good comments. I'm glad other players think like me, in the idea to not walk 10 damn hours to find a dude. It would be nice if you wanna try some head to head or ffa together.
  5. Gnappy

    Gnappy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm totally changing my language to french and checking out all the announcer sound bytes. lol

    Just a quick question, can you go from vent to lift room or is that teleporter a one way trip?

    Ah, saw the vid. Answered my question.
    #5 Gnappy, Nov 29, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2010
  6. VGL Brandon

    VGL Brandon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I prefered to build myself a gravlift system instead of using teleporters because of the lag when using them.
  7. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    wow that actually makes 11v look fun. nice I'd DL if i had Live
  8. VGL Brandon

    VGL Brandon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes, I worked really hard to build a great 1v1 environment. :p

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