MLG Ironyte

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Oo iRoNy oO, Nov 29, 2010.

  1. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    By Oo iRoNy oO & Nyte

    Weapons on Map:
    Name/How Many/Respawn Time/Clips/Spawn At Start

    -Needle RIfle/2/60/2/Yes
    -Plasma Grenade/4/30/-/Yes
    -Frag Grenade/4/30/-/Yes

    Whatup Forgehub, I would like to introduce the re-imagination of Ironyte, a co-forge between Nyte and I. For those of you who don't know what map this is, let me give you a quick background story.

    Background story:
    Back in the glory days of Halo 3, Nyte and I decided to start a map with the most single, random block, simply just for the lulz. Then after countless weeks of taking turns on the thing, it turned into a pretty awesome map that we aren't ashamed to call our own. It would have played perfectly if not for a few minor details, which we decided to fix in a v2. Unfortunately, time wasn't on our side, so we had to end the construction of v2. But that only meant that the construction for the Reach version could begin. So it did, and after months of tweakin' and testing, we present to you the new and improved Ironyte.

    What's new:
    Despite the unique gameplay that the map provided, the map needed a few changes. And so they were brought. There are a few minor changes here and there to help improve gameplay and add aesthetics, but the two major ones are drastically noticeable. The first change that was made is that we opened up the custom-power room to increase gameplay in the bottom floor. The second, and probably the most important major change is that we added a hallway/ramp,which we are simply going to call "Lift Corridor", to speed up gameplay throughout the entire map.

    Here's an overview of the top floor.

    This cool looking wall thingy is back.

    Top view of "Gold Ramp". Let's keep the names for old times' sake.

    Better view of Gold Ramp.

    That is where the Ironyte Custom Room is located.

    Ironyte Custom Room.

    This is the bottom floor. From left to right is Gold Ramp, Blue Lift, and Green Ramp.

    Another view of the bottom floor.

    Top view of Green Ramp.

    Some more shots.[​IMG]

    Although this is the first official map out for those both of us, it is the second to be released from our map pack, Project://Eventide. So keep watch for the rest of 'em.
    #1 Oo iRoNy oO, Nov 29, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
  2. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    Finally, after years of anticipation, Ironyte has returned to its glory, the ancient lime stone has been destroyed and a new more modern version has been built. PS. dont touch anything because the forerunners may murder irony and i.

    the thing i like the most about this map, is how we still incorporated the angled crypt roof (my idea) lol. Like i said Iro-balls, if we need to make a v2, ill will be the one to do so because i just love you that much.

    ohhh and dude yesterday someone said how the hated the fact that Ironyte took up my whole name and only part of yours. i said look at the word Ironyte, now take off the t and e at the end. and you get Irony. if you take off the I, r, and the o, you get Nyte. therefore you get Ironyte. so suck it random person.

    The next map to be released from the Eventide map pack will be next monday.
    #2 Nyte, Nov 30, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
  3. Drummerboi420

    Drummerboi420 Forerunner

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    Hey Controlix!, and Irony I loved this map in Halo 3 and It looks to me that You could really flesh it out in 2.0. I love the darkness I haven't seen anything like that yet.
    Ill DL and we can run some customs!
  4. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    glad to see we have fans, we loved this map also, and we loved remaking it for you guys. we tried to make the ceiling angle perfect like how it was in h3
  5. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    And why haven't we played this in one of our customs sessions yet? Looks sweet. We're throwing down on this ASAP.
  6. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    haha will do my good buddy, and ill 1v1 you and destroy you and make you cry for mommy =)

    and we havent really been in game lobbies 1v1 except for that one time we forged on my map and amaglam. other than that we normally run 4's
  7. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nominated this for the Forge Favorites. ;)

    Btw Nyte, fixed the spawns in Amalgam. Turns out Respawn Zone Weak is a much better option than Spawn Zone. Damn confusing influencers and ****. Got the spawn system figured out to a dime now, so I can give ya a hand if you ever need one.
  8. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    awh thank you sir <33

    and awesome, im looking forward to more pwnage and lulz when the gf leaves, i am taking her home tmrw so i will be on all night for the next couple of days and not really doing much with my life because i start work on the 14th. </3

    D0NTSH0OTME Forerunner

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    Ironyte is an asymmetrical arena map designed solely for one on one combat. One of Ironyte’s central themes is elevation change, as it features multiple stairways leading to several distinctive engagement heights. Ironyte does not contain any power weapons, as the author instead decided to supply players with only marksmen rifles and grenades, but does contain a custom power-up designed to slightly increase player damage for a very short amount of time. The decision to include this custom power-up in place of power weapons prevents any one player from gaining a prolonged advantage on their opponent, which provides players with a more balanced gaming experience.


    Combat on Ironyte is a hectic experience, and not always in a good way. While elevation change is a central theme, the distance between some of the engagement levels is extreme for such a small map. Due to the drastic height differences, it is very easy for a player on the bottom level of the map to become disorientated when engaging an opponent at the top level. This problem is only compounded for players who prefer to use a lower sensitivity setting. Another unenjoyable feature of the map is the spawning system. It is quite common for a player to respawn in close proximity to their opponent. If this happens after a battle had just been resolved, it is possible for the spawning player to attack their opponent again before their shields have had adequate time to recharge. The tendency for players to respawn in close proximity is also at times a detriment to the respawning player, as their opponent will likely have a marksmen rifle and/or extra grenades, while the respawning player will most likely not have any addition armaments.

    Player movement on Ironyte flows very well. This is due to the fact that since there are no power weapons on the map, spawn camping weapons is discouraged, and players are instead prompted to achieve map control, the reward for which is gaining an advantage on their spawning opponent. This promotion of map control provides players with a more enjoyable play experience than other more weapon control focused maps.

    While player movement on the map flows very well, combat too often is an unenjoyable experience.



    Ironyte’s weapon set itself is very well balanced. Players are provided with four marksmen rifles, which are the perfect skill based weapon for a one on one map, and eight grenades. The location of these weapons, however, is not quite as balanced. One DMR and one Needle Rifle are present on each of Ironyte’s main floors, but they are placed so close together that if a player acquires one of them they will easily be able to control the other present on their floor. The grenade placement on the map also suffers from the same problem, but to a lesser extent. As for the custom power up, it is balanced quite well. While it will give a player a noticeable advantage in a firefight, the advantage is very short lived, which means it is easy to avoid fighting a player while the power up is active. The placement of the power up, in contrast with the rest of the weapons on the map, is also very well balanced. The risk vs. reward of obtaining it is very good as the tunnel it is located in is an easy grenade trap.

    The layout of the map, based off the initial spawns, has some balancing issues. The player spawning on the bottom of the map will reach the power up a full three seconds before the player spawning on the top of the map can. While the fact that the player spawning on top has the high ground advantage does even things out somewhat, it does not make up the imbalance created by giving the bottom player complete control over the power up.

    While the custom power up is perfectly balanced, the weapon placements have some balancing issues.



    Ironyte is a completely enclosed map, so there is no possibility of escaping the playable area. However, many of the walls, ceilings, and floors have gaps between them, and while most of them are so small they are negligible, some are large enough to fit a grenade through. When a grenade falls through one of these cracks during a battle, it can have a very negative effect on gameplay.

    The spawning system on Irontye could use some work as well. While the map does feature over 50 respawn points, it does not contain a single spawn zone. Due to the absence of spawn zones, Ironyte relies entirely on Reach’s spawn system to properly position respawning players. This is not a foolproof system, and it is quite common for players on Ironyte to respawn in close proximity to their opponent. For a map that is built specifically for one vs. one combat, a spawning system as flawed as this is a serious problem.

    Spawning has some major problems, and even though the map was unescapable due to it being enclosed there were areas where grenades could make it out of the map.



    Ironyte is a mixed bag in terms of aesthetics. The map has zero frame rate lag, and features some well designed custom structures, such as the window panel next to the gold ramp and the pillar supporting the lighting effect. It also incorporates the natural features of the coliseum very well by using two of its walls as part of the map.

    One detractor to the aesthetics of the map is the use of 45 degree angled ramps. These not only look odd in comparison to regularly angled ramps, but also feel unnatural when walked on which negatively affects the flow of the map. There is a good deal of z-fighting on the map, and while it does not cause a drop in frame rate, it does look bad. Also, as mentioned under durability, there are multiple cracks between the floor, ceiling and walls, and these not only look ugly but also effect gameplay.

    While the map had no frame rate problems and incorporated some well built structures, there is a good deal of z-fighting and some other forging inconsistencies.



    For a one vs. one map, the elevation changes on Ironyte are quite extreme, which is by far the most original aspect of this map. Very few one vs. one maps put an emphasis on elevation change, but Ironyte seems to dedicate its entire existence to them. On top of the already unique design of the map, Ironyte goes down the road less travelled in terms of its weapon selection by not supplying players with a single power weapon. This provides players with a map where the victor is almost solely based off of skill with the marksmen rifle.

    Ironyte not only provides players with a unique weapon set, but also utilizes creative elevation changes to present players with a unique one vs. one experience.


    While Ironyte definitely has a style of it’s own, the design could have used more thought. Extreme elevation changes are a relatively unique concept for one vs. one maps, but the areas of engagement between the height differences could have been more thoroughly planned, and the transitions between the levels could have been much cleaner, along with most of the aesthetics on the map. More attention also could have been focused on balancing the map properly, as the mistakes that are present would be relatively easy to fix. Ironyte is a good map for unique one vs. one experience, but it may or may not be an experience you wish to endure a second time.

    Enjoyment: 7 x 3.0 = 21 out of 30
    Balance: 7 x 3.0 = 21 out of 30
    Durability: 5 x 1.5 = 7.5 out of 15
    Aesthetic : 6 x 1.5 = 9 out of 15
    Originality: 8 x 1.0 = 8 out of 10

    Final Score


    #9 D0NTSH0OTME, May 8, 2011
    Last edited: May 9, 2011
  10. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    Ironyte in H3. Check it.

    We remade it, and i need to contact Irony about making a v2.

    In the initial v2 for Ironyte, I made some budget cuts and improved some sexiness, after I figured out the spawning a bit more, I fixed it some some weak zones and removing spawns. We wanted to make it a bit bigger and transform it into a 2v2 so it would be more enjoyable.

    Its extreme height variation its because most maps are basically flat (my maps included) and that the height variation reduces spawn killing but when we made it, we really didnt know how reach's spawning worked. Example, In halo 3 Octagon, when you killed the opponent, they spawned on the other side of the octagon. In a reach octagon, you kill someone, they spawn 100% randomly. Enemy players spawn weighting is a lot less then it was. Probably due to the fact that there are weak and anti spawn zones.

    D0NTSH0OTME Forerunner

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    I did look at the H3 version, that actually is how I figured out what the custom powerup was suppose to do, as there was no mention of it in the thread and the link for your custom game mode did not work.

    I also gave you credit for the variations in height, if you did not notice you scored an 8 in orginality, which is quite high for an MLG map. I took off points because the transitions between the height differences could have been made better, and the areas of engagement between the heights flowed poorly.

    If you have any further questions or critisms in regards to the review please use this thread.
    #11 D0NTSH0OTME, May 9, 2011
    Last edited: May 9, 2011
  12. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    I must say it does kind of have the feel of the time in Halo 1 where the master chief and guilty spark were going through the forunner labyrinth.
  13. Floods

    Floods Forerunner

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    I played a 7-player FFA on this map (with no motion tracker), and it was utter chaos. So much fun (the rest of my lobby wasn't as positive, but I loved it). I agree it feels like a CE map taking place in the Library level.

    The review says there is no framerate problem, but other players in my lobby said there was, so who knows. May I suggest switching one of the blue lights for a different color one though? The blue, while cool, can be a bit disorienting at times. Or maybe build a slightly lower ceiling for bottom floor, then take the two lights and put them in between (so there's a blue side and a red/green/whatever side). Blue and green could be a cool dynamic.

    Also think that, for widespread competitive play, it should be an active camo in the powerup hall.

    This map definitely deserves wider recognition though, it'd be absolutely ideal for team doubles. If we ever get a proper competitive FFA playlist, this should be the first Forge map in there. I'm rec'ing this to community cartographers if no one has done so already.
    #13 Floods, Jun 3, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2011

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