Ok fellow members, I have a challenge for you guys. If you win you could potentially be the first person to achieve such a thing. It is also sort of a discussion towards the matter, BUT, nonetheless a challenge. I challenge you guys to get an UNFRIGGINBELIEVABLE medal in Firefight matchmaking. Thats 1000 kills without dying. If the medal is accessible on your profile then it must be achievable, right? Good luck.
Impossible. The highest number of kills i have ever achieved is about 350, incredibly short of the 1000. That medal is only there because you can configure it to show your custom-firefight medals in the chest as well.
Impossible as Jex Yoyo said, i think the most ammount of kills of gotten without dying was in rocketfight with 214 kills with out a death. but yeah you don't have enough time to do it anyway.
The game ends after three rounds (one set) Combat, its not that time runs out, its that there literally isn't even that many available enemies.
Well I usefully get about 120 in score attack alone one set, If you could get rocket fight alone on small map prob get around 600+bonus round. But Pssst!!! I got a harder challenge for you get a "Broseiden"(15 Spawn spree) in Firefight! The badge is there so it must be possible!
Yeah lol , But seriously I think we will be able to get it eventually because weren't they bringing out Vs Firefight? in matchmaking*cough*boost*cough* Also on Reach if you go to: Start>Player>Service Record>Career>Firefight. There is"Highest Set Completed" which leads me to belive there will also be firefight Classic in matchmaking meaning 1000 will be possible. Because at the moment highest set completed can only be 1 at max why would the stat be there if it can only go up to 1?
Fail. I have one... in MATCHMAKING. Naw, I kid. Just an invincible. My friend has one though. In MATCHMAKING. Yea, I'm an asshole. Deal with it. Anywho, what's with the challenges anyways? We don't get credits for this. It's a waste o' my time!
Wow, wow, really? Such a troll. Yeah I posted this as more of a discussion than a real challenge... but you're obviously too stupid to realize.
hell no it aint impossible i got it. i swear to god. wanna know how- easy mode x5 shildes bottemless clip rockets i wish i had a pic but i dont. just belive me. so i win
Are you retarded? Read the original post, and note that it says: FIREFIGHT MATCHMAKING. Pretty sure you cant edit the settings in matchmaking. Also extra large text generally helps disabled people.
Wait, I didn't get a close enough look. Wait... no. Not close enough. I still don't get it... Oh hey! You might be right! Oh... wait... No. No never mind. I don't get it. We went from "Sort of" to "More of." Why the sudden change there? Did you almost kiss a girl? Is that why? Or maybe you were ; Thank you Crypto. For feeding me. So yea. I don't see any point on your side of the argument. Except the fact I'm a troll. Which I am. I wasn't even bashing you, and you had to bring yourself down.
I have gotten one in matchmaking before (Invasion, not firefight). But if the medal is up there on the medal chest on BNET for Custom Firefight purposes, that seems kind of pointless. There doesn't even need to be a challenge to it since Bungie gave us the option to edit firefight games. Someone with a lot of time on their hands could just use the same gametype used for the firefight achievements to get this. I don't see a point in doing so other than some form of personal satisfaction (in a sense that they have done something easy that no one else has had the patience to do). Since it's only possible in Custom Firefight for now, there's no reason why anyone would want to do so. I see it getting boring quickly. EDIT: Well I suppose that some people may try it on normal Firefight with infinite rounds, but it still seems near impossible. The best you could hope for was to find asecluded area with one or two entrances, and pick covies off from inside while other teammates pick off the ones that get too close.
WTF? "Hey Im an asshole and I got an unfrigginbelieveable...in matchmaking. HUR DURR" thats all you wrote. Also to those who keep seeing "its easy just edit the settings to get invulnerability" or whatever the ****. Guys, can you edit the settings in firefight MATCHMAKING? NO.
You're getting pretty upset over this.. In any case, no I haven't and I don't even feel like attempting it. Sounds pretty much impossible.
I don't think there are even that many enemies in a game. However if the medal's count for mm as well that may explain it, I think all of the kill sreaks are availible in both, you just have to get more kills in firefight to get the same medal to make up for the difficulty difference. (I believe that in mm unfrigginbelievable is only 50 kills which is much more concievable to me) But then again I am probably wrong, I don't know if they are in different sections or not but they probably are. I have no idea why the number is that high, and I think it's impossible in mm firefight and you have to do it in a custom.
Thank you for saying something I already did. Please say it some more so you can get it this time. Anyhow, it seems that you're still too stupid to realize that I just pointed out how you kept saying statements that contrasted what you had ORIGINALLY said. And so you can keep giving me these delicious replies, I'm going to say; Give it up kid, you can't win. Crypto, can you get in Firefight Matchmaking? No dipshit. You can't. Not yet at least.