New map idea.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nyte, Nov 29, 2010.

  1. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    I was laying around this morning and i started to think about a new map idea and i was thinking of people to possibly Co-Forge it with.

    My idea (and ill sketch this up and post pictures as i progress) is a Narrows type map, not like Perseverance, no, more of like a Hexogen map but not like Hexogen. Ill sketch it up whenever i get time and such.

    Now i was thinking of people to coforge this idea with. the first person i thought of was, of course, Irony. He is a great forger and i want to have his babies. The second was my buddy TuCriminaI, but he is hardly ever on. I was going to ask SecretSchnitzel, but he has a lot on his plate right now, and id rather not bother the sexy mofo. Then i thought of asking LadniI but i barely see him and i think he'd rather hurt himself then play with me, idk. So im looking for a whole new forge teammate for this, who can bring something new to the table, perhaps someone who is looking to get their name out there in the forging community. Im not trying to sound cocky or big headed or anything, but i am somewhat known through out the community, and a lot of people told me that they were fans of Ironyte back in H3 (Ironyte started out as a joke but turned into an amazing map) A few people even told me that they loved Asymilate and actually used it as inspiration for maps they tried to build. (god i sounded like total douche)

    Anyway, i guess im looking for a fairly new forger in the community to come help with a map idea and try to get your name out there.

    I love you all and i hope people respond, my XBL GT is Controlix. so send me a message on there, or on here, or just reply to this thread.

    I love you all =)

    *Ill be updating this thread constantly with pix*
  2. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    Hey, I would say I'm interested in co-forging, but won't be on much for the next couple of weeks or so due to lots of college work, and I doubt you'd want to as I have nothing to show that illustrates my forging/designing skills. Maybe some other time when I have a couple of my own maps released, which probably won't be for a while :). Just for reference, do you have a link to this Hexogen map? If not, i'll find it myself.

    Edit: I found the thread, but the pics are brokenz.. oh wellz.
    #2 CzIz, Nov 29, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2010
  3. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    well sir, you most certainly fit the criteria of not being that well known due to the fact that you have no released maps, but maybe sometime just show me what your working on and over the next couple of weeks ill be working on a sketch-up so this could work out!
  4. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    This map, Inter Quattro, is what I am currently working on. The post only details 2D map plans and a basic sketchup of the map. Oh, and it interested your good friend irony ;). The construction of the map is approx only 20% finished, but I would be happy to show you it whenever I next have the chance. I also have a 2v2 side project that's nearing gameplay completion called Blue Lagoon (By gameplay completion, I mean all I have left is to sort out objectives, and then I want to do up the aesthetics a bit, as they are rather basic atm).
    My work is currently at a rather basic stage at the moment as I have only had the game 2 weeks due to financial problems, and since then hardly had the chance to play due to an abundance of college work. My college work is likely to keep me occupied for the next week or two, but after that it should start to lighten up a little bit.
    The main reason I never released any maps on Halo 3 is because I am a bit of a perfectionist, and I never really managed to grasp the necessary techniques, and also had various issues with budget, but I feel this issue has been irradicated with the release of Reach as my Blue Lagoon map has only used $2000 so far, and I never have to bother with ghost merging again.

    I'm a huge fan of your work, especially your ones in the Eventide Project :)

    One last thing though, what's your timezone? I'm GMT, and on weekdays I tend to play either 6-8pm, or 12-2am. 12-2am GMT would be suitable if you are EST and play 5-7pm.
  5. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    The sketchup looks good, maybe a few ascetics here and there and it would be a solid map.

    and yea dude school first, dont even work about this map until you got free time. im going to start the sketch up either when the wife is sleeping tonight or tomorrow, ill update with piks

    and thanks, its good to know people actually like our stuff and we are really excited to put the map pack out, and i think we are releasing Ironyte tonight, and im releaseing Heresy in a week. im just going to re work gold side.

    uhm and yea im pumped to forge with you man, but remember, when forging with me, when you see something wrong or have a suggestion, say it, then do it. dont just give an idea then expect me to do it. i want to see what your thinking, not just hear it.

    Much love lol.
  6. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    haha, I definitely feel your love. I'm bad with sketchup so would struggle to show my Aesthetic idea's on there, but I do have some pretty awesome idea's for it :).

    and yea, i totally understand everything your saying (Y)
  7. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    haha alright dude, uh i actually started forging it a few minutes ago out of boredum but i didnt do to much, i just made a base and started a path to top mid. that is all tho. i gotta leave now to get my gf for a few days.

    so ill send you a fr and after she leaves ill work on it some more and hopefully your with me
  8. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

    Likes Received:
    Alright sweet sounds good, gives me a few days to get my college work done :).
    I think any further discussion would be best over Private messaging as we seem to be just having a discussion between ourselves -.-

    Btw, earlier you said you were waiting for your wife to go to sleep, and then you say you're going to go get your gf. Cheating = very naughty. Bad Nyte.
  9. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yay. Dude if you want 'em that bad it's not too late. If you want we.........uh......can forge........and stuff. Yeah, that's what I wanted to say. And yeah although it's totally awesome coforging with you, I want to try coforging with other people as well. So yeah it's awesome that you're going out and forging with other people, such as CzIz.

    Na dude you're not sounding cocky. In fact, you did make that awesome map, Ironyte. And I'm not just saying that because I coforged it. But seriously dude, you're not sounding cocky because it's true. It is a pretty sweet map, and I did hear people compliment you on Assimilate back in the H3 days.

    Yes it did quite interest me, but I don't want to get into too much detail as of why I like that map. Let's just saying that to me it looks like the Epitaph that never was.

    Yay! Thank you very much, I appreciate it very much.
  10. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    how bout me? I'm not exactly new at forging, but I am new to reach... if that counts for anything. Seriously though, my only map I have for reach so far is technically not done, but its got a map preview [Tangerine]

    and I'm go for co-forging with however many people you want.
  11. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    yea sure dude, if its alright with Cziz, im totally down.

    and im glad your trying to get your name out there and not be a debbie downer.

    and irony, you know i love your sexy ass, but i do want to get some unknown forgers name out there, like you and i are pretty well known and im always seeing the same names throughout forge hub and i want to see some new ones.

    IRONY I JUST GOT AN IDEA! ill tell you via text message
  12. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    I've changed my mind about co-forging now, as I want to get a few maps I have had at the back of my head for months done before I start to work with other people on their projects. Having said that, if I do find a spare minute when you happen to be working in, I might just drop in and give my opinions and advice.. but I definitely don't want to be a proper co-forger for now, although I will be up for a co-forge project in a couple of months.

    Rook seems like a respectable member with a good eye for design and top-notch forging skills, so I can see this map working out well, I will still be keeping an eye out for it :) Good luck.
  13. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    oh no its cool man, Irony and I had an idea where we would find a forger not well known (as i am doing now) and co-forge a map with them and have a "pro-am" forge contest between the two of us and who ever makes the better map wins, but we havent really talked about a prize yet. we are still playing around with this idea, so yea.

    Rook, ill add you on xbox my friend, i need to redo some stuff on the map so dont judge me lol
  14. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Its all good dude, did you get the map pack? tempest is pretty beast, I think I might start a map up on it, idk though.

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