"Make The Top Your Objective Soldier" Well let me start off by talking the back ground of this map. When I first started I knew I wanted something like construct with the flow of Dream-On. I started on a sketch up that looked like this. As you can tell its okay, but not what I wanted. I decided to throw a top on it and here is the oldest version of Levitation. This map has came a long way from the sketch above I then decided to see how I could make it work in game. After many hours in and out of forge Julian (Soloist) Max(Hector/Adam) and I have made this happen. I believe this is the single largest forged map that is 100% forerunner to date. Correct me if I'm wrong. Without further adu, I present to you, Levitation. Overview Overview of the top Top lift room Back base LOS Created by: Soloist, Adam, and Puroxicity Download:Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Video Walk Through:YouTube - Levitation Map Run Through
Looks really nice. I definately get the feel of construct when I see this. The curving loop is awesome, but is it a lift up or a drop down between floors.
Just so yee know, the download link at the top of the thread doesn't work. The one at the bottom is fine. I love the way this map looks, and the scale of it, but imma not gunna comment on gameplay without actually playing it -.- I just wanted to let you know about dl link.
I walked around the map a bit and really liked the layout. The elevation changes aren't too drastic, very nicely done. Only thing so far is it's a bit hard to distinguish where you are at points, maybe some more enhanced lighting in spots. You have some really cool ideas. I'll comment more once I get some games on it, but so far i'm digging it.
Thanks buddy. Lighting makes frame lag and I'm not willing to risk it. To be honest it is very easy to tell where your at on the map once you play a game or two on it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: fixed, Thanks