i just beat cobelly the number 1 halo reach player in the world in doubles arena with the help of my partner milk del glass. what an accomplishment!
... Pics or it didn't happen... And if this thread is not spam in some way, shape or form, I don't know what he did wrong then...
Just because he has the highest rank in the game doesn't even mean he's good. You should also post a link to the game on Bungie.net. And, one last thought, nobody likes a brag thread.
****. That's all I can say. Did you expect anything more? Of course Teamwork > 1SkilledPlayer. It's mathematically proven. But I suspect he didn't 1 v 2 you or anything, so congrats. Keep it up and somebody will post in here one day about beating YOU. Edit: Don't hate, guys. You know you'd be exited too.
If you think he's the highest ranked player, then you're wrong. There's at least one player that's already a Hero.
Here's the link. Luckily it only took like a minute to find, otherwise I would've stopped searching. Anyways, it's not even that much of an accomplishment, his K/D for Arena is only 1.25. There are people out there with much higher K/D's who have played for a pretty long time as well.
I don't get the Arena ranking. I mean, I understand how you get a numbered rank from 0-2000 for each game you play but how do divisions work? Season 1 I was Iron, Season 2 I didn't play enough and Season 3 I'm Iron again... Can you only advance to the next division based on your last division? So because I wasn't rated in Season 2 I had to start again right at the bottom for Season 3? And sorry for thread hijacking, but nobody likes bragging threads plus you've already been proved wrong.
So? If you're ranked really high, you're going to be facing people of a similarly high rank who are likely to be about as good as you. You want the guy to drop 1.5+ k/ds in those circumstances? A quick glance at someone's k/d tells you very little if you don't take the other factors (bascially, who those k/ds were against) in to account. Still, I don't see anything about him being the number one player in Arena. His B.net says he was Onyx top 30% last season for Dubs, and top 40% for 4v4. He isn't even in the top 10 for the HaloCharts Arena tables, so in what sense is he number one?
NOt to burst a bubble. However I've never cared about rank...at all. Rank has nothing to do with skill. I demolish most skilled players in any 1v1 match. I don't brag. I just do it. (NO I won't play against anyone here) Anyway, keep your accomplishment to yourself, plenty of people have beaten you. Plenty of people have beaten him. Everyone gets defeated sometime, bragging doesn't earn you anything.