Bowser's Castle

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by FlotownHockey, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. FlotownHockey

    FlotownHockey Forerunner
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    Bowser's Castle

    YouTube - Halo Reach Infection Map: Bowser's Castle

    This infection house is a magnificant creation by FlotownHockey. This house is four stories tall not including the basement and the roof. The gameplay on this map is extremely fun, especially with a lot of friends. This map has a lot of smooth and unique detail in it. Don't just rely on the pictures and video for this map. DOWNLOAD IT FOR YOURSELF!!! It is has many realistic features to it. It includes nearly everything a normal mansion would. You can do things on this map like jumping down the chimney and out the fireplace. Also, you can go on the roof and even up and elevator! So have fun, download, and enjoy this amazing map!

    Front of House
    Hot Tub
    #1 FlotownHockey, Nov 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2010
  2. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Move this to the Aesthetic Map section. Or casual. Most likely Aesthetic, considering you are putting more emphasis on the house rather than what it plays or how it plays, which you only describe as fun. I can play at that game too. Getting spawnkilled is fun. Getting my Halo Reach disc broken is fun. Skiing is fun. Chocolate is fun. Having sex with a monkey is fun. Do you see how reliable that word is? Please be more specific when relating to your map and its gameplay other than giving noncommitting adjectives.
  3. FlotownHockey

    FlotownHockey Forerunner
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    I will consider your advice on switching my map to the aesthetic section of this site. Thanks for that. However, your bad attitude about the word fun, which was used only twice in the description, isn't necessary. Try putting down some kind comments on how to improve my map instead of what you think is fun in your life. I made the description of the map in about three minutes. That's not the important part. You're supposed to comment on the map, not how I describe the map to be..........I'm not trying to start problems, but be more respectful
  4. Raulness

    Raulness Forerunner
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    Don't be a ****. The fact that this might be in the wrong forum is probably the last thing you should criticize about a map. You probably didn't even give the map a run. No reason to comment really. Let the mods take care of moving threads to the right section.

    As for the map, everything looks pretty sweet. I enjoy checking out maps that have good aesthetics. Unfortunately, I can't try out your map, considering my Xbox is dead. I'll queue it up for download though. Hopefully someone tries it out and gives you some good feedback.

    EDIT: After watching the video, the aesthetics look great. It looks like it would be pretty fun to play some infection on it.
    #4 Raulness, Nov 29, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2010

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